In this study, we added laboratory animal ethics education into both didactic sessions and practical sessions the general surgery laboratory course, with the didactic sessions focus on teaching the fundamental principles of laboratory animal ethics, while the practical sessions emphasize the application of...
Right: the results can also be displayed on a two-dimensional graph with axes that show the genetic association P value (x axis) and the GNNHap determination of the strength of the relationship between each candidate gene and the phenotype (y axis). Each candidate gene is indicated by a ...
But they made it off that trailer, and today, Bonnie, Clyde, Anita, Andrea, Krista Lynn, Rob, Derek, Jenny Bee, Tom, and Steve can be found chasing each other through the fields and exchanging curious glances with Spot, their 1,000-pound friendly neighbor. The pigs’ journey isn’t qu...
Pertaining to human values, Openness to Change and Self-enhancement values are negatively associated with preferences for market policies to regulate FAW. Respondents with higher Conservation value scores are more likely to support market-based FAW policies. The relationship between these values and prefe...
They definitely interact with us. This makes them more precious to us. Some animal rights activists decry this as speciesism, but it’s more or less unavoidable because we can’t save everyone. FAQ: What is speciesism? In a nutshell, speciesism is putting a higher value on the life of ...
One day, she came around the corner to where I was with the rug in her mouth and sat down on it so she couldn't get in trouble. Max Pixel 62. Big Dogs Aren't The Only Smart Ones My sister accidentally left my six-pound Min Pin out overnight in a really bad snowstorm. The ...
Is there anything wrong with you? Are you sick? BUTCH: I think I’m gonna nap on the window sill for a bit. Catch you later. ME: You’re not going to tell me, are you? BUTCH: Relax. Go pound like five cups of coffee. For you, that’ll slide you down some. Pull you back ...
On February 16, 2009, Charla Nash was brutally attacked and mauled by a 200-pound chimpanzee at her neighbor's home in Stamford, Connecticut. At the present time, Charla remains in critical condition at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. She is receiving care from a multi-disciplinary team of ...
“When an 85-pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad.”– Kristan Higgins “Every dog must have his day.”– Jonathan Swift “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”– Josh Billing ...
With ears back, eyes rolling and nostrils flared in fury, the enraged horses pummel each other with their hooves and bite and head-butt each other in a horrifying fight, sometimes to the death. Men, women and children watch, and a roar of approval goes up as one horse delivers the equiv...