《动物解放》AnimalLiberation文字版《英》彼得辛格PeterSinger.pdf,致中国读者 彼得·辛格 我很高兴本书终于能够和中国的读者见面了。本书所讨论的问题对于全 世界来说都具有重要意义,但如果一本书不能被地球上人口最多的国家的人 所读,那它也就称不上具有世界性。 《动
peter warren singer 星级: 8 页 One World Now - Peter Singer 星级: 209 页 Marx - Peter Singer 星级: 152 页 辛格(Peter Singer) 論動物的道德地位 星级: 8 页 Peter-Singer-How-are-we-to-live(荐) 星级: 159 页 animal liberation 星级: 14 页 Animal Liberation 星级: 6 页 【精品...
by Peter SingerThe New York Review of Books, Vol. 50, No. 8Acrobat version1 The phrase "Animal Liberation" appeared in the press for the first time on the April 5, 1973, cover of The New York Review of Books. Under that heading, I discussed Animals, Men and Morals, a collection of...
SINGER, Peter, 1946-ANIMAL productsSOCIAL movementsANIMAL welfareSERVICE animalsThis article analyses the impact of the animal rights movement fifty years after the publication of Peter Singer's landmark book Animal Liberation in 1975. Examining the gains and losses of this vib...
“Animal Liberationis the most important book in the history of the animal protection movement.”—Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States “Forty years ago, Peter Singer sparked a revolution with his seminal publication,Animal Liberation. Nearly half a century...
This chapter explores the creation, spread, and influence of Peter Singer’s ideas and his 1975 book Animal Liberation. This chapter explores how and why Singer and Animal Liberation became so influential and important. Arriving in a period of women’s, gay, and black liberation, Singer’s pri...
Peter Singer This Study Guide consists of approximately 35 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Animal Liberation. PrintWordPDF This section contains 972 words ...
Animal Liberation summary animal liberation is book peter singer first published in 1975. the book makes and extremely cogent case for personally your
Against Animal Liberation? Peter Singer and His CriticsAnimal ethicsMoral status of animalsPeter SingerAnimal liberationNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/s11841-017-0597-6VillanuevaGonzaloSpringer NetherlandsSophia
SincePeter Singer published Animal Liberation in 1975, animal rightsactivists thought animals should be granted the same rights ashumans. Referring to scientific studies showing animals 41 “humancharacteristics”,theyargue animals should be protected with the same rights. So why don’tanimals have the...