国际简称:ANIM FEED SCI TECH 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 研究方向:农林科学 - 奶制品与动物科学 是否预警:否 创刊时间:1976 H-index:102 出版周期:Biweekly 出版语言:English 年发文量:191 文章自引率:0.06... 投稿咨询加急服务 期刊简介 动物饲料科技(Animal Feed Science And Technology)是一本由Elsevier出版...
期刊名: ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY期刊名缩写:ANIM FEED SCI TECH期刊ISSN:0377-8401E-ISSN:1873-22162024年影响因子/JCR分区:2.5/Q1 查看近年IF趋势图学科与分区:AGRICULTURE, DAIRY & ANIMAL SCIENCE - SCIE(Q1)出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS出版周期:Biweekly...
Anim Feed Sci Technol 英文杂志缩写 - Animal Feed Science and Technology - 英文期刊全称[科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款;☆语言问题免费重修;★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票;★一分钟下单;☆365日不间断服务 Anim Feed Sci Technol 英文杂志缩写 - Animal Feed Science and Technology - ...
ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY作为农林科学领域下的奶制品与动物科学期刊,是涵盖动物营养、饲养和技术研究的国际科学期刊,发表国际上关注动物饲料及其喂养的科学论文。欢迎介绍反刍动物和非反刍动物饲料研究的论文,包括家禽、马、伴侣动物和水生动物。 ISSN:0377-8401 ...
ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 的国际标准连续出版物编号(Issn号)是0377-8401。 ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 目前的主编是Vasileios Bampidis。 2. 影响因子 《ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY》的影响因子近年来较为稳定,2022年影响因子为3.2分。
Animal Feed Science and Technologyis a unique journal publishing scientific papers of international interest focusing onanimal feedsand theirfeeding. Papers describing research on feed for ruminants … Article publishing options Open Access Article Publishing Charge (APC):USD 3,250 (excluding taxes).The...
Animal Feed Science and Technologyis a unique journal publishing scientific papers of international interest focusing onanimal feedsand theirfeeding. Papers describing research on feed for ruminants … Article publishing options Open Access Article Publishing Charge (APC):USD 3,250 (excluding taxes).The...
Animal Feed Science and Technology is a unique journal publishing scientific papers of international interest focusing on animal feeds and their feeding. Papers describing research on feed for ruminants and non-ruminants, including poultry, horses, companion animals and aquatic animals, are welcome. Th...