Animal Farmis a satirical allegorical novella, in the form of a beast fable,[1] byGeorge Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945.[2][3] It tells the story of a group of anthropomorphic farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the ...
(Agriculture) the science of breeding, rearing, and caring for farm animals Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Aardman Animations had an international box office smash at the beginning of this century with much-loved stop-motion comedy Chicken Run, in which flightless feathered heroes spoofed Animal Farm and The Great Escape by making a thrilling break for freedom. Now comes the sequel, in the sleek new...
1,000 Minks that killed and ate each other, out of 10K released from a farm by the Animal Liberation Front in a raid. Add it up While ostensibly aimed at groups like the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front that advocate property destruction, the legislation is so sweeping and...
ALFAlfalfa Lawn Farm ALFAir-Land Force ALFAutomatic Letter Facer(mechanised letter sorting; Royal Mail - Postal Authority for the United Kingdom) ALFAcquisition Logistics, and Fulfillment ALFair lift forces ALFAmbassador Lapel Flag ALFArithmetic and Log Function(Nortel) ...
(Recall that the USDA definition of “free range” only actually requires that chickens “have access to the outside”, so not all “free range” chickens live like this — for comparison, here is a video from a “free range” egg farm in Canada, which neither mentions nor shows the bi...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia. Related to Animal euthanasia: euthanizesput (po͝ot) v. put, put·ting, puts 1. To place in a specified location; set: She put the books on the table. 2. To cause to be in a specified condition: His gracious manners put me at ease....
Animal Farm contains mainly extremely effective scenes. Some are humorous or witty, others bitterly ironic or pessimistic . Which scene did you find most effective and memorable? why? A seen that sticks with me is a terrifying one: I suppose that is why it has stayed with me for so long....
Playful and vibrant, this colorful dish made its way to many a farm gathering and summer pool party. You could expect shredded carrots, maybe some marshmallows and no kids eating it. Salisbury Steak Getty Images Salisbury Steak A popular choice in frozen TV dinners, this dish was also a popu...
EU members, such as The Netherlands and Denmark appear to be worse than the rest as they openly defend this cruel practice as the right of their minority of abusers. Denmark goes as far as permitting animal sex farm bordellos, a thriving business where their owners profit from animal rape. ...