本杰明代表了那些意识到斯大林不公正和压迫性政策,但没有采取任何措施来阻止这些政策的人。 斯奎勒(Squealer) 一只肥猪,是一个熟练的演说家。斯奎勒最初与雪球和拿破仑密切合作,后来只是拿破仑,以解释或提炼猪对其他动物的计划。据称,斯奎勒能够让动物相信任何事情,而且他在工作中非常有效。有时他很有效,因为他能够操纵...
第八句 Now when Squealer described the scene sographically, it seemed to the animals that they did remember it.At any rate, they remembered that at thecriticalmoment of the battle Snowball had turned to flee. 既然斯奎拉把这一场景描述得如此生动,动物们似乎记得的确有这么回事。无论如何,他们记得...
“Animal Farm”, by George Orwell, is an allegory and a fable. The book was released in England on August 17th 1945. Orwell says that the book reflects the events leading up to the Russian Revolution. The main characters in the book are Napoleon, snowball, boxer, Squealer, and Old Major...
Animal Farm 象征意义 Animalfarm Theintroductionoftheauthor •GeorgeOrwell:wasaBritishauthorandjournalist.Hisworkismarkedbykeenintelligenceandwit,aprofoundawarenessofsocialinjustice,anintense,revolutionaryoppositiontototalitarianism,apassionforclarityinlanguageandabeliefindemocraticsocialism.•Consideredperhapsthetwentieth...
The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is an allegory portraying the evils and pitfalls of a totalitarian government. It attempts to illustrate a society where all live as equals has not existed, and cannot be obtained. Orwell, through the use of the character Squealer, demonstrates how pro...
Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, and Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov. Other animals represent the working classes of Russia: initially passionate about revolution eventually manipulated into supporting a regime that was just as incompetent and arguably more brutal tha...
2.three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm. And they all agreed that ...
Ch 6. Quotes from Animal Farm Animal Farm by George Orwell | Important Quotes & Analysis 5:54 Napoleon in Animal Farm by George Orwell | Quotes & Analysis 6:51 Boxer's Quotes from Animal Farm 6:18 Snowball in Animal Farm by Orwell | Characteristics & Quotes 6:23 Squealer in Anima...
Squealer The pig who spreads Napoleons propagandaRepresents the propaganda spread during Stalin's regime Old major Karl Marx/Lenin-Old leader, boar Mollie Represents White Russians (anti-czar but stayed in WWI) Benjamin Cynica-Donkey, hates the rebellion Mr jones Czar Nicholas II-Drunk farmer of ...
As Animal Farm is mostly told from an objective perspective, this passage represents one of the few instances in where a character's thoughts are embellished upon for the reader. Following Napoleon's public executions, Clover laments the farm's current state, and how different it is from the ...