Chapter Ⅰ 第一章 Mr Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew...
所属专辑:世界名著~动物庄园(Animal Farm) 音频列表 1 动物庄园 英语版 (4-1) 16 2024-11 2 动物庄园 英语版 (3-3) 46 2024-10 3 动物庄园 英语版 (3-2) 32 2024-10 4 动物庄园 英语版 (3-1) 23 2024-10 5 动物庄园 英语版 (2-3) ...
5. The pigs were the most intelligent animals on the farm. 6.Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer are pigs while Moses is a raven. 7. The rebellion was started due tothe animalsbeing treated poorly and neglected. 8. The Seven Commandments were whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy, whatever...
所属专辑:英文名著---动物农场 Animal Farm(乔治 奥威尔) 声音简介 关注“智性英语”,回复“动物农场”,获取文本。 《动物庄园》是一部政治寓言体小说,故事描述了一场“动物主义”革命的酝酿、兴起和最终蜕变。一个农庄(Manor Farm)的动物不堪人类主人的压迫,在猪的带领下起来反抗,赶走了农庄主(Mr.Jones),牲畜...
动物庄园AnimalFarm(双语译林壹力文库) 登录 Chapter I Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the popholes. With the ring of light from his lantern da 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读...
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 精彩书摘 Mr.Jones,ofthe Manor Farm,had locked the hen-houses for thenight,but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes.With thering of light from his lantern dancing from side to side he lurched.across the yard,kicked off his boots at ...
英文原版国际著作-Animal Farm - George Orwell.pdf,!— #INCLUDE virtual=” l” — Title: Ani al Far Author: George Orwell (pseudony of Eric Blair) (1903-1950) A Proj ect Gutenberg of Australia eBook eBook No.: 0100011.txt Language:
动物庄园AnimalFarm(双语译林壹力文库) 登录 Chapter IX Boxer's split hoof was a long time in healing. They had started the rebuilding of the windmill the day after the victory celebrations were ended. Boxer refused to ta 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读全本小说,...
he would sooner have had no tail and no fiies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laughat. …… 最经典英语文库:动物农场(英文版) [Animal Farm] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt ...
Animal Farm (《动物农场》) 摘抄 Chapter 1 At the last moment Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr. Jones's trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar. 莫丽来得很晚,这个愚蠢的家伙,长着一身白生生的毛,拉琼斯先生 的双轮轻便车。她扭扭捏捏地走进来,一颠一颠...