动物农场 Animal Farm [英]奥威尔(George Orwell) 著 荣如徳 译——上海:上海译文出版社,2014.3 简介:乔治·奥威尔(1903-1950),英国伟大的人道主义作家、新闻记者和社会评论家,著名的英语文体家。 本书是一则入木三分的反乌托邦的政治讽喻寓言,农场的动物“革命”后,动物领袖成了比人类更加独裁和极权的统治者。
在线看Animal Farm- Pig, Chicken, Sheep, Goat, Cow,.. 5分钟 6秒。3 7月 2016的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 33 — 已浏览。
在线看[CUT] Puppy mills @ “Animal Farm” 30秒。2016 5月 16的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 78 — 已浏览。 3 — 已评价。
Plastic Poultry Feeder Pan Bucket Animal Feeders Water Drinker Farm Equipment Auto Chicken Feeder US$3.00-4.00 1 Set (MOQ) Zjkr Husbandry 1kg 2kg 3kg, 6kg, 8kg, Plastic Animal Poultry Farming Chicken Drinkers and Feeders with UV Additive US$0.46-...
Throughout history, various human civilizations have used raw materials obtained from the body parts, metabolic byproducts, or non-animal components of ani
Alison's Family Farms.(PROCESSOR NEWS)(Certified Humane)(Humane Farm Animal Care)(Brief article)
20 day rule frustrates. (Foot And Mouth).(measure prohibits movement of animals off farm if animal has been brought onto the farm within last 20 days)(Brief Article)
BJD has major impact on the farm economy and has been frequently reported from dairy farms and farmer’s herd worldwide (Kumar et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2013a; Singh et al., 2014a). Globally, India is the leading milk producer (124.85 million tonnes per 116.0 million milking ...
In the case of pig production, weaning is the critical moment, when animals are the most exposed to stress (nutrition changes from milk to the diet based on vegetable polysaccharides). Also the environment is changed, as a result of transfer to a production farm. All those factors may distur...
In the case of pig production, weaning is the critical moment, when animals are the most exposed to stress (nutrition changes from milk to the diet based on vegetable polysaccharides). Also the environment is changed, as a result of transfer to a production farm. All those factors may distur...