Napoleon enacts changes to the governance structure of the farm, replacing meetings with a committee of pigs who will run the farm. Through a young porker named Squealer, Napoleon claims credit for the idea of building the windmill, claiming that Snowball was only trying to win animals to his ...
丛书名:Sparknotes Literature Guide 所属分类:图书>英文原版书>学习 考试>Education教育与考试 进口书预订说明 1.本产品为国外预订图书,实行先付款,后订货的流程。预订商品不支持取消订单,不支持换货,非质量问题不接受退货。 2.您在购买且完成支付后,商品需要1-3个月的时间发货。 3.进口图书属于国家管制商品,您订...
Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc.), the resources below will generally offerAnimal Farmchapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols. Animal Farm byGeorge Orwell Genre: Classics Published: ...
Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc.), the resources below will generally offerAnimal Farm Centennial Editionchapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols. Animal Farm Centennial Edition
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