Orwell mostly uses chapter 6 as a series of foreshadows. The first involves, of course, Napoleon. This time he's beginning to trade with the neighboring farmers, Foxwood and Pinchfield. The necessity comes from materials only humans can make. But the picture-perfect world the animals imagined...
一个农庄(Manor Farm)的动物不堪人类主人的压迫,在猪的带领下起来反抗,赶走了农庄主(Mr.Jones),牲畜们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,农场更名为“动物庄园”,奉行“所有动物一律平等”。之后,两只处于领导地位的猪为了权力而互相倾轧,胜利者一方宣布另一方是叛徒、内奸。此后,获取了领导权的猪拥有了越来越大的权力,...
Ch 5. Animal Farm: Chapter Summaries Ch 6. Quotes from Animal Farm Ch 7. Teaching Animal Farm Study.com was one of the best aids when I wanted to get my licensure and the ability to grow in another area. Study.com provided everything I needed and answered all my questions for continue...
Animal Farm Chapter 09 77 2021-05 10 Animal Farm Chapter 10 125 2021-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 158 Animal-FISH by:嘻哈有态度 515 Animal-Mdb by:嘻哈有态度 129 Animal-Mdb by:嘻哈有态度 1217 Animal Talk by:英文故事集 467 Animal-Lass V ...
Animal Farm: Chapter 6 All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a ...
动物庄园AnimalFarm(双语译林壹力文库) 登录 Chapter IX Boxer's split hoof was a long time in healing. They had started the rebuilding of the windmill the day after the victory celebrations were ended. Boxer refused to ta 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读全本小说,...
Chapter IV (1,772 wds) By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county. Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons whose instructions were to mingle with the animals on neighbouring farms, tell them the story of the ...
Chapter I Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the popholes. With the ring of light from his lantern da 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读全本小说,购买SVIP还可享受网页畅读权益 会员登录...
Chapter IV (1,772 wds) By the late summer the news of what had happened on Animal Farm had spread across half the county. Every day Snowball and Napoleon sent out flights of pigeons whose instructions were to mingle with the animals on neighbouring farms, tell them the story of the ...
《ANIMAL FARM》 George Orwell Chapter7-8 P64-96 主要内容: Chapter7主要讲了动物庄园里面的一些动物与Snowball勾结,肆意破坏农场,偷吃粮食,踩踏鸡蛋等恶行被Napoleon识破了,而那些“叛徒”也被处决了。Napoleon大开杀戒,只要不服从他命令的,都会屠杀,这种行为让“物”发指。