Emboldened by the collapse of the windmill, the human beings were inventing fresh lies about Animal Farm. Once again it was being put about that all the animals were dying of famine and disease, and that they were continually fighting among themselves and had resorted to cannibalism ...
There were many more creatures on the farm now, though the increase was not so great as had been expected in earlier years. Many animals had been born to whom the Rebellion was only a dim tradition, passed on by word of mouth, and others had been bought who had never heard m...
As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings. Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other ...
Animal Farm 动物农庄(英文版) [英]乔治·奥威尔 加入书架开始阅读 马诺尔农庄一只名叫老梅杰的猪在提出了“人类剥削动物,动物须革命”的理论之后死去,几个月后,农庄里掀起了一场由猪领导的革命,原来的剥削者——主人琼斯先生被赶走,动物们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,尝到了革命果实的甘美,马诺尔农庄被更名为“...
Animal Farm 动物农庄(英文版) 乔治·奥威尔 加入书架开始阅读 马诺尔农庄一只名叫老梅杰的猪在提出了“人类剥削动物,动物须革命”的理论之后死去,几个月后,农庄里掀起了一场由猪领导的革命,原来的剥削者——主人琼斯先生被赶走,动物们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,尝到了革命果实的甘美,马诺尔农庄被更名为“动物...
QQ阅读提供动物庄园(Animal Farm)最新章节列表阅读,(英)乔治·奥威尔的动物庄园(Animal Farm)部分章节免费在线阅读。QQ阅读为您创造(英)乔治·奥威尔小说动物庄园(Animal Farm)最新章节在线无弹窗、无广告在线阅读。
animal_farm电子书.pdf,《动物庄园》 和 隐喻的苏联历史 周源zhouyuan9@ 大部分素材和资料来自互联网 George Orwell 乔治·奥威尔 乔治·奥威尔George Orwell 1903年6月25 日-1950年1月21 日 原名:艾里克·阿瑟·布莱尔Eric Arthur Blair 英国左翼作家,新闻记者和社会评
Animal Farm 动物农庄(英文版) [英]乔治·奥威尔 加入书架开始阅读 马诺尔农庄一只名叫老梅杰的猪在提出了“人类剥削动物,动物须革命”的理论之后死去,几个月后,农庄里掀起了一场由猪领导的革命,原来的剥削者——主人琼斯先生被赶走,动物们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,尝到了革命果实的甘美,马诺尔农庄被更名为“...
PAGE PAGE 1 Animal Farm 动物农场 或动物农庄George Orwell 乔治奥威尔 难点注释大全第一章 密谋造反 manor farm 庄园农场 hen-house 鸡舍 drunk 喝醉酒的 pop-hole 鸡舍围栏上的家禽进人口或猪圈围栏的小猪进出口 ring of light 光环 lantern 提灯 lurch 蹒跚, 踉跄; 摇摆 yard 庭院 kicked off his boots 踢...
《动物庄园(英文原版)Animal Farm》是乔治·奥威尔的讽刺杰作,以寓言的形式深刻揭示了权力腐败和极权主义的本质。故事发生在一个被人类压迫的动物庄园里,动物们通过一场革命推翻了人类的统治,却意外地发现新的领导者——猪拿破仑,逐渐复制了人类的暴政与不平等。书中