faecal matter,faeces,fecal matter,ordure,BM,dejection,stool dog do,dog turd,doggy do- fecal droppings from a dog body waste,excrement,excreta,excretory product,excretion- waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body ...
Animal faeces (I) is made use of by admixing with a loosely-structured high protein-contg. food industry waste prod. (II), as C carrier, to prepare a porous mixt. opt. with the addn. of an already rotted recycle material. A controlled air stream is forced through the mixt. and ...
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The effect of animal faeces on the environment was discussed according to analysis of animal facces.The countermeasures to control environmental contamination from animal faeces were introdnced.The necessity,technical way and method to develop environment-protective feeds were studied. 关键词: animal fae...
Animal waste is defined as the weight, in tons, of faeces and urine produced per year for a particular livestock type [5]. From:360-Degree Waste Management, Volume 1,2023 Also in subject area: Agricultural and Biological Sciences Discover other topics ...
The invention relates to a simple way of collecting, storing and transporting animal faeces. The inventive collector and container for animal faeces can be hermetically sealed by means of a screw thread on the handle and the housing. The invention prevents the pollution of the environment, nature...
Animal faeces collector 有效 基本信息 申请人信息 代理人信息 摘要 法律状态 权利要求 说明书 基本信息 申请号 GB19900024634 申请日 1990-11-13 授权公告号 GB2238454(A) 授权公告日 - 优先权号 GB19890027081 优先权日 1989-11-30 分类号 A01K23/00 申请人信息 申请(专利权)人 JOHN * GREENSHIELDS 发...
Areas for sleeping, eating and nesting are created along with latrines on the outskirts of their territory, where faeces are deposited to mark the individual Water Vole’s patch. Once weaned at about a month old, the young Water Voles leave their mother’s burrow in search of somewhere to ...
To understand the residues and ecological risks of veterinary antibiotics (VAs) in animal faeces from concentrated animal feeding operations in northeastern China, 14 VAs were identified by high performance liquid chromatography, and the preliminary risks of six antibiotics were assessed using the hazard...
(excluding animal waste of food preparation and products; and animal faeces, urine and manure) (osim otpada od pripreme hrane i prehrambenih proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla, životinjskih fekalija, urina i gnoja) EurLex-2 — preventive measures such as waste food feeding and anim...