PET PEEVE: ANIMAL PACT COST TO CITY; Spokane Valley paying about $1,000 a day, roughly same as Spokane;Peter Barnes Staff writer
All records created in conjunction with providing the service to the City of Spokane Valley shall be maintained according to the Local Government General Records Retention Schedule for animal services as specified by the Washington Secretary of State.g. All complaints received by the City regarding ...
WA Spokane 509-492-5090 Spokane Critters Spokane County animal services: (509) 477-2532 WA Tacoma 253-275-0685 Animal Evictor Pierce County animal services: 253-798-7387 WA Vancouver 360-450-6288 US Wildlife Removal Clark County animal services: (360) 397-2488 Wisconsin WI Appleton 920-...
COUNTY ANSWERS SHELTER QUESTIONS; Regional Animal Facility Depends on Spokane, Spokane Valley ParticipationThe Spokane Valley City Council spent the bulk of its timeTuesday going over responses from...Culver, Nina
DECISION HAS REGIONAL REACH Cost of Animal Control Services Not Only Factor Spokane Valley WeighingTwo local agencies are in a fight to determine who will provideanimal control services to the...Culver, Nina