The official home of the Animal Crossing series. Create a home, interact with cute animal villagers, and just enjoy life in these charming games from Nintendo.
Animal Crossing is a series of social simulation video games developed by Nintendo and created by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami. The series revolves around a...
The most important part of living in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is knowing that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You might be mayor of the town, but how much you put your authority to use is entirely up to you – whether you’re a busy bee...
Animal Crossing is a simulation game for the Nintendo GameCube released on September 16, 2002, and the first game in the Animal Crossing series to be localized for...
If you enjoyed the official artwork and character designs in our Animal Crossing: New Leaf concept art gallery, sharing this page would really help us!Members can download this entire gallery in ZIP format for easy access. Learn more about the full benefits of our Patreon Vault tier membership...
Animal Crossing New Leaf.The article reviews the video game "Animal Crossing New Leaf" from Nintendo.SchiavulliAmandaSchool Library Journal
News, Reviews, Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay and more for Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo!
Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Regia di Aya Kyogoku, Isao Moro. Vivi e prospera come sindaco in una città piena di animali dove puoi praticamente fare tutto ciò che vuoi mentre paghi il mutuo della tua casa.
Bereite dich auf ein völlig neues Leben in einer neuen, selbstgestalteten Stadt vor – in „Animal Crossing: New Leaf“, das demnächst für Nintendo 3DS und Nintendo 3DS XL erscheint. Da „Animal Crossing: New Leaf“ auf dem beliebten freien Gameplay früherer Animal Crossing-Sp...
The Animal Crossing universe refers to the Smash Bros. series' collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from the popular Animal Crossing series of colorful life-simulation games for recent Nintendo systems. The series received...