Repository files navigation README NLSE Animal Crossing: New Leaf Save Editor Edits savedata with the same functions as theweb-js editorand more. Can Import/Export RAM dumps, fix Checksums, and edit numerous things within the garden.dat file....
makerom and bannertool somewhere in your PATH environment. Enter the NLTK directory and run make in your command line/terminal. Provided you have all the requirements, NLTK.cia and NLTK.3dsx should be outputted to /out.About An Animal Crossing New Leaf Save Editor & Toolkit Topics toolkit ...
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Save Editor lets you edit your Animal Crossing: New Leaf savegame.Features: can edit any ACNL savegame (including Welcome Amiibo) can edit your town acres, river, waterfalls and ponds name, town hall and train station roof colors move buildings, houses, rocks ...
An Animal Crossing: New Leaf savegame editor. It lets you edit your town, items, villagers and more!
A seed is an item originally used as a debugging tool in Animal Crossing: Wild World to test the placement of map objects found all over town, including buildings...
ACNL Save Editor lets you edit your Animal Crossing: New Leaf savegame. Features can edit any ACNL savegame (including Welcome Amiibo) can edit your town acres, river, waterfalls and ponds name, town hall and train station roof colors ...