2020 Facebook Twitter RedditSince it came out earlier this year, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has had really good post-launch support, from events to new merchants to new activities like diving and swimming. Just recently, it received another new update, and while it didn’t add much of ...
Of course, Animal Crossing wasn’t the only big new release last week. Bethesda and id Software’s DOOM Eternal came out on the same day, and the shooter’s debuted in second place, though with a significant gap separating it from the top spot. DOOM Eternal’s physical launch sales are...
Next:Animal Crossing Player Recreates The Movie Poster For Mean Girls Source:Own-Wrangler-4747/Reddit
People may not have been able to go outside and do everything they had planned throughout the past few weeks after being stuck inside because of the coronavirus, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons players are finding creative ways around the problem by hosting parties and other special events ...
An Animal Crossing: New Horizons has player has taken advantage of the latest game update, using it to recreate the Home Alone trailer in detail.
Since the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mario update, players have been getting creative with how they use the Super Mario items on their island. Reddit user u/VictoryRoles has shared their genius idea of keeping one Warp Pipe stationed in their home and carrying another around with ...
Barold is basically theAnimal Crossingversion of anenergy vampire fromWhat We Do in the Shadows. You don’t need that mojo in your life. Rodney The hatred for Rodney in certain corners of theAnimal Crossingcommunity is sometimes overwhelming. There’s even an entire subreddit dedicated to spre...
近日,reddit网友Mikey_hor估算了《集合啦!动物森友会》中狸克的身价。令人震惊的是狸克身价为6021.82亿美元,约合42580亿人民币。这身价远超亚马逊创始人贝索斯的1431亿美元。 Mikey_hor首先确定了铃钱与美元的换算单位,100铃钱可变为1美元。这一换算单位是由游戏中对NS主机定价决定的,在《动森》中一台NS主机售价为...
With the theme parks and other entertainment venues currently closed temporarily, many of us have turned to the newAnimal Crossing: New Horizonsvideo game to help pass the time. One of the ways you can inject a little theme park magic into the game is by modifying your island’s tune. ...
See You Next Crossing 下个路口见 V1Another empty room without you here没有你的空空房间I close my eyes and hope that you"ll appear我闭上双眼 分享17赞 新宋吧 色艺双绝刘诗诗 留学生经典语录。。。看完直接笑抽!1.有次房东问我 did u eat anyting yet? 我说no. 她听后重复了一遍 so u ...