Animal Crossing is a series of social simulation video games developed by Nintendo and created by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami. The series, which began on the...
Maximise your pockets with high value fish, bugs, sea creatures, fossils, and flowers. Northern plus Southern Hemisphere prices and built in search.
Animal Crossing is a simulation game for the Nintendo GameCube released on September 16, 2002, and the first game in the Animal Crossing series to be localized for...
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete 27th Oct 2024 Nintendo has announced Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, a paid, offline version of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp that will be released on December 3, 2024. The app allows for the transfer of save data from the free app and will inclu...
Once you're suited up and ready for a swim, you can dive into our complete list of sea creatures, catching conditions and shop sell prices below. Remember: Certain fish and bugs will be leaving Animal Crossing: New Horizons (temporarily) at the end of the month, you'll want to ...
In Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, you’ll be spending most of your time fulfilling requests for the animal campers on your campsite, but of course, those pesky animals will be demanding you do some busy work for them… Here you’ll find out the best ways
5000 | 3000 | Battle-Tested | Catch of the Day Island Ichthyologist FillFishList サカナ図鑑を埋めた Fill in your Critterpedia with fish and earn miles along the way. Can you categorize each and every type of fish that swims in your island's waters, hm? 10 | 300 | Sma...
times of the day. Knowing when and where each rare fish spawns can save you a lot of time and frustration. To help, here’s a list of the rarest fish inAnimal Crossing: New Horizons,when and where they spawn, and how many bells you can expect to get for them from the Nook twins....
Bug list One of the quirks ofAnimal Crossing: New Horizonsis that it follows the seasons in real time, meaning summer in the game reflects summer in real life. That rule rings true regardless of the hemisphere, and depending on the time of year, various bugs will make an appearance. But...
The wait for Animal Crossing on Switch has been interminable. In order to take the edge off, one fan has been animating one of the game’s bugs and fish every day. They’re so adorable, but sadly only make me want this game even more. Suggested Reading Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 5 Awe...