Animal Crossing is a series of social simulation video games developed by Nintendo and created by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami. The series revolves around a...
Animal Crossing is a simulation game for the Nintendo GameCube released on September 16, 2002, and the first game in the Animal Crossing series to be localized for...
System: Nintendo GameCube Erscheinungsdatum: 24.09.2004 Übersicht Galerie Details Animal Crossing ist kein gewöhnliches Videospiel. Du wirst darin weder auf Monster stoßen, die es zu bekämpfen gilt, noch auf zu überwindende Abgründe. Und du musst auch keine Prinzessinnen retten. ...
The Animal Crossing universe refers to the Smash Bros. series' collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from the popular Animal Crossing series of colorful life-simulation games for recent Nintendo systems. The series received...
Crossing filled this reviewer with glee when he first read about it back in the days of magazines and routers without wi-fi as standard. Animal Crossing: Wild World has always been a very special game to fans as it expanded upon the original GameCube title (for this region at least) but...
GameCube in different countries. Animal Crossing is an open-ended game in which the player character moves into a village populated with anthropomorphic animals. Throughout the game, the player can interact with the animals as well as other players through the GameCube's memory card. The game ...
Nindori (pictured) was designed by a fan as part of a design contest held by Nintendo DREAM magazine for a Nintendo GameCube-themed mascot. Animal Crossing: New Horizons has sold more copies than all other Animal Crossing games combined. The cover art for Dòngwù Sēnlín features Blathers, ...
Animal Crossing is a video game series by Nintendo in which you play a human character who lives in a town populated by animals. Activities include fishing, digging up fossils, growing flowers, and catching bugs. The most recent game in the series is Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Swi...
I can confirm that this is NOT the NA GCN release for Animal Crossing. The dead giveaway is K.K. Ballad (Aircheck). Here's what the NA Gamecube version ACTUALLY sounds like: The upload on khinsider appears to be from the original Animal Forest on N64. Take a listen to the alternate...
I may not have been an Animal Crossing fan for the longest time, but I can say that the Gamecube soundtrack is by far the best in the series. Guest Reviewer 01:14 Apr 25th, 2020Offline I love Animal Crossing... it is such a great game with such a good reason. The director of th...