Animal Crossing is a series of social simulation video games developed by Nintendo and created by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami. The series, which began on the...
Bugs Fish Sea creatures New in the northern hemisphere New in the southern hemisphere Latest releases Game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp CompleteDecember 2, 2024 Mobile app Nintendo MusicOctober 30, 2024 Pocket Camp update Ver. 6.0.0October 28, 2024 Pocket Camp update Ver. 5.8.0August...
The Anthropomorphic world of Animal Crossing is incomplete without Fishing. The fishing activity in the ‘New Leaf’ is almost same as the previous installment with a few additions. A total of 72 different types of Fish can be found in different aquatic environments in the game. Of course, if...
Zebra Turkeyfish is a common fish you can easily catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This fish is available for a longer duration in both hemispheres, so you can find it pretty quickly. Even if you want this fish when it is unavailable in your Hemisphere, there is a way to catch i...
New Horizonsand though players might lean towards other options first, fishingis an important part of the game. With theseasons bringing new varieties of fish toAnimal Crossing, players will oftentimes find themselves standing near an ocean, lake, or a pond with a fishing rod in their hands wa...
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is hosting its first Fishing Tourney in Saltwater Shores from now until March 20. During the event you’ll be helping Chip, a new friendly face in Pocket Camp, catch a host of rare tourney fish. We hope you’re ready for a ch
The goldfish is a freshwater fish in the Animal Crossing series introduced in Doubutsu no Mori. It has a tiny shadow size, appears throughout the year at any time...
Fishing inAnimal Crossing: New Horizonsisn’t too complicated, but there are some things you should be aware of. For starters, each fish will give you some indication of its presence, such as a shadow or fin. The size of the fish’s shadow is indicative of how big the fish is — whi...
Animal Crossing Wild World The second version of Animal Crossing, only available for the Nintendo DS. Animal Crossing: Wild World features the first wi-fi capable Animal Crossing game in which you can play with your friends online. Catching fish and bugs, collecting fossils, and participating in...
Fishing in ACNH is one of the greatest pastimes. It’s also a very rewarding activity because you will make a good amount of Bells Animal Crossing by fishing. But some people are getting frustrated when losing so many fish. In this guide, GosuNoob, ConCo