Explore the labelled diagram of animal cell along with the explanation. You can also refer to BYJU’S app for further reference
27 The diagram below shows the ultrastructure of an animal cell.Four structures are labelled W to Z.W XZ YWhich of the rows in the table below correctly identifies the structures that can(v) and can not(x)be visualised under a light microscope?Row WX YZ AX XX√B X√X√C XD XX Your...
1 The diagram shows a drawing of an electron micrograph of an animal cell.1回@82076345Which of the following describes the corresponding properties of the labelled structures?D undergoes doubling contain enzymes contains nucleic acids during cell division A26,82,5,8B2,4,85,6,82,3,8C1,2,82,4...
Cell types are outlined. A, archaeocyte (cluster of four outlined); Cc, choanocyte chamber; S, sclerocyte; Sp, spherulous cell; P, pinacocyte. b, Choanocyte chamber labelled with DiI with an illustration of a single choanocyte below. c, Pinacocyte labelled with DiI with illustration ...
The expression differences in specific cell type markers for T-cells genes across the four experimental conditions. T tests were used to generate p-values across the groups. SHAM Underwent Sham surgery; RIC Remote ischaemic conditioning; IRI Ischaemic reperfusion injury; IRI + RIC Ischaemic repe...
A grid cell is responsible for predicting B bounding boxes with five predicted values x, y, w, h, and c in each bounding box. (x, y) is the coordinate of the center point of a bounding box relative to a grid cell, w and h are the width and height of the bounding box, and c...
Maximum intensity projections of a confocal z-stack including a whole cell were performed to observe the maximum amount of PLA puncta. The neurons were counter-stained with β3-tubulin (green) and DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 20 μm. (d) Representative immunoblots (left) and bar graph (right...
except for the Insect+insectivores clade composed of archaea preferentially present in insectivorous animals from different mammalian orders and insects (mostly termites, sequences from the literature). Clades corresponding to the boxes are labelled with thick lines on the phylogenetic tree. Species name...
Both populations are labelled with scl (tal1), which coexpresses with cdx4 in the posterior blood islands [111]. Even though scl overexpression is able to expand hematopoietic cell numbers when overexpressed in wild-type zebrafish embryos [113], it was incapable of rescuing hematopoiesis in cd...