The Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2013doi:2013 No. 307
Smallholding Scotland, an organisation that was founded by members of the Scottish smallholding community in 2017, states in its constitution that its purposes are the advancement of the education of the general public around smallholding and its public benefit; the advancement of the education of ...
Food Standards Scotland would welcome your comments on the attached consultation on the (SSI) draft Animal Feed (Scotland) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 which provides for enforcement provisions for the two Commission (EU) Regulations 2015/327 and 2015/2294 amending (EC) 1831/2003 on feed additives...
Whether taking a macro-level perspective on antibiotic regulations or micro-level perspective on specific practices of antibiotic use, animal-human relationships are a largely peripheral feature of the emerging empirical story of changing antibiotic use policy and practice. This paper is a response to ...
may also contain transmissible bovine spongiform encephalopathies. Thus, the rendering industry should assume responsibility for maintaining raw material controls, ensuring final product(s) bio-safety, and gaseous or liquid effluent management according to local, regional, or country-wide regulations [80...
Such meat is then designated as "kosher", signifying that it complies with the regulations of kashrut (Jewish dietary law). As described by Shechita UK, "Shechita is performed by a highly trained shochet. The procedure consists of a rapid and expert transverse incision with an instrument of ...
Biofilm Formation Is a Risk Factor for Mortality in Patients with Candida albicans Bloodstream Infection—Scotland, 2012–2013. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 2016, 22, 87–93. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Vichare, A.S.; Kamath, S.U.; Leist, M.; Hayes, A.W.; Mahadevan, B. Application of ...
1Roslin Institute and R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh, Roslin Biocentre, Midlothian, Scotland, United Kingdom;2Merial Inc., Laboratoire Lyon Gerland, Lyon, France;3University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada;4Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Maryland, USA;5EW Group, Newbridge, Midlothian,...
The Animal By-Products (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (revoked)doi:2012 No. 179介绍性文本1.引证和推荐2.动物副产品(强制执行)(苏格兰)条例20113.禽流感(野生鸟类中的H5N1)修正案(苏格兰)命令20074.禽流感(家禽中的H5N1)修正案(苏格兰)命令2007签名说明...
SSI SSI 2003/411 Animal by-products (Scotland) regulations 2003Legislation Scotland