the allure of the unknown, and the tension between creation and destruction. They remind us that power is rarely just good or evil; it’s how that power isusedthat defines its meaning.
Eventually, science got its act together and renamed the entire group of flying reptiles “Pterosaurs” (from the Greek meaning “wing lizard”). Each was then given a proper scientific name. Today, we recognize only two Pterodactylus species:Pterodactylus antiquusandPterodactylus longicollum.And jus...
By definition, it uses language that obscures and even reverses the actual meaning of words. “Humane slaughter” is an oxymoron, as there is nothing humane about the involuntary and premature death of an animal. A product in the US can be “Certified Humane” but still allow many types ...
All land snails are hermaphrodites, meaning that the animals have both male and female reproductive organs. The snails spend their days looking for food and seeking out potential mates using chemical (scent) cues. [Photos: Bizarre Sex Lives of Hermaphrodite Sea Slugs] "They have eyes at the ...
The ritual which accompanies the killing of the victim sometimes seems debased; many of the gestures and actions appeal to be devoid of mean-ing, but it is supposed that at one time they did have meaning. The peasants continue to sacrifice from fear: "in order to avoid misfortune," or ...
When the natives of Rann turned to the religion of Lady Styx to give their lives a greater meaning, Adam Strange turned to Starfire and Animal Man. He wanted to use a telepath, like Captain Comet, to beam their joint memories of Lady Styx to the population of Rann to cure them of thei...
He often frames his points in the major media as an attack on the animal people—that they are hypocrites—that they should look at themselves before criticizing others—meaning, the abusers are not the problem—the activists are. In other words they must be morally perfect. He might give li...
This derives from a Greek word meaning one tooth, one horn. This species is the only currently living member of the genus. Thus, the term narwhal can technically refer to either the species or the genus. It also belongs to the family of Monodontidae. The only other living member of ...
Ayam Cemani (black chicken) is a rare local breed, originated from the Kedu Village, Temanggung city, Java Island (Indonesia). The name of this breed comes from the union of Indonesian words, “Ayam” meaning “chicken” and “Cemani” meaning “entirely black”. The origin of the Ayam Ce...
blood.’ However, this explanation seems improbable, perhaps reflecting the normative expectation that the emperor should be the guardian of ‘traditional’ values. Ideas connecting agriculture and ritual pollution were likely transmitted from the imperial court down to the peasantry rather than the ...