If meat and bone meal is included as an ingredient, the amount of bone contained in the product affects its quality as a protein source as well as the mineral balance of the entire diet. The matrix of bone is composed of the protein collagen. Collagen is very poorly digested by dogs and...
While child leashes have caused controversy in the past, it's not uncommon for monkeys to use their child's tail to keep tabs on them. Human parents use them to ensure their kids don't wander off in grocery stores or destroy another vitamin display...
for example, that in our schools, our hospitals and other public settings, we’re going to promote a more plant-based diet,” Secchi said. “So that we’re thinking about supply, but also demand. Then people would put more thought into how they vote. ...
Can be naturally richer in fat & calories (which can be a benefit for those wanting to increase the fat/calories in their diet). Natural source of calcium. Can be more budget-friendly than plant-based milk (but not always). Has fewer ingredients compared to some types of plant milk (fre...
Raw meat absolutely repulsed me. I had a hard time buying it at the grocery store. I was starting to think it was possible to quit meat—to realize that the flesh itself wasn’t really something I needed or even wanted. I joined PETA but wasn’t interested in watching any of the gra...
A quick run into the grocery store can be incredibly dangerous for your pup. It’s best to leave them home! If you remember nothing else this Fourth of July, remember this: the best place for your four-legged friends is in the comfort of their own home! This entry was posted in Anim...
I had a hard time buying it at the grocery store. I was starting to think it was possible to quit meat—to realize that the flesh itself wasn’t really something I needed or even wanted. I joined PETA but wasn’t interested in watching any of the graphic videos they sent me. That ...
making all of these wonderful products and everything, sure, I want the products and I’m happy to have them but let’s not ignore the reality that most of us can actually live on a completely plant-based diet right now and we don’t need another goddamn burger in order to do it....
offer a varied diet of crustacean, scallop and fish flesh from saltwater sources, which can be obtained from the grocery store. It has been noted that they seem to like raw chunks of prawn. Feed very small juveniles several times a day, average sized juveniles twice a day, adolescents once...
I’m Going Vegan workshops, a free Vegan Mentor program, vegan grocery shopping tours, and local plant-based cooking classes. We’re here to help you get across that finish line in your transition to a plant-based diet! Visit Vegan University: [http://animalrightscoalition.com/programs/vegan...