Nuria Querol i ViñasAmerican Humane Association
Pet Abuse Facts This infographic was composed withrecent data from the US Humane Society, which provides information on pet abuse statistics. Humane Society data shows that, in media-reported animal cruelty cases: 64.5% involvedogs 18% involvecats 25% involveother animals Animal Abuse and Domestic ...
Learn what animal abuse is and examine the most important animal abuse facts. Also, discover different types of animal cruelty and see animal abuse...
US Animal Shelter Facts US Euthanasia Statistics Pet Overpopulation Statistics Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website. While most of us would go to the ends of the earth for our animals, not every pet is able to find...
The police can become too aggressive in their investigations, fail to obtain key evidence or misunderstand a defendant's actions that resulted in the animal abuse arrest. The facts and circumstances leading to the arrest often reveal possible defenses to the charges. ...
While the initial signs of animal abuse begin as early as childhood, many adults overlook the warnings as an “exploratory age of development.” As such, the problem endures because prompt recognition of the signs is essential to stopping the cycle of violence and preventing harm in the future...
The purpose of Animals Matter Too is to gather & share information relating to the humane and compassionate treatment of all animals. Whether a dog, cat, horse, bird, farm or wild animal, it's incomprehensible for us to do nothing while they are abused and tortured for the sake of money...
They steal outgoing mail which documents prisoner abuse. They lie to the media and concerned people who call the jail. Who is responsible? A proud law man (who does not respect the actual law) named Michael Waterworth is solely responsible for implementing the draconian ban on books. He is...
Page Description: The facts of dog fighting: The horrific abuse inflicted on the dogs by humans, despite the agony they suffer when forced in to fights when desperately trying to survive and please their blood thirsty owners, frightened of the sometimes fatal torture they receive if they disappoi...
There are, however, a few giant differences between human correctional facilities and zoos or pet environments, and differences between humans and animals. Is Captivity Immoral? The field of animal cognition has a lot of unexplored territory as we seem to keep discovering surprising facts we did ...