心血管影响 芳香植物 植物茎皮 正常血压 精油 蔷薇 大鼠 挥发性成分蔷薇木属植物A.canelilla是一种芳香植物,生长在亚马逊河地区.其茎皮煎剂在民间用于抗痉挛,促消化和驱风等.用该植物茎皮提取到的精油(EOAC)中具有樟属植物气味的物质是1-硝基-2-苯乙烷,丁子香酚甲醚(ME)也是其中一重要的挥发性成分.作者研究了...
Campbell, D.Araujo, V. 1970: On the germination of aniba d lauraceae d part 2 aniba canelilla d precious bark Boletim do INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia) Pesquisas Florestais 12: 1-9PreviousNext Preview Quick Search Search Search Search Full Text Article Service How ...
Aniba canelilla (Kunth) Mez essential oil-loaded nanoemulsion: Improved stability of the main constituents and in vitro antichemotactic activitydoi:10.1016/J.INDCROP.2021.113949Tainá KreutzSimone B. CarneiroK. SoaresR. LimbergerM. ApelV. Veiga-Junior...
Aniba canelilla (Kunth) Mez essential oil has many biological activities due to its main compound 1-nitro-2-phenylethane (1N2F), followed by methyleugenol, a carcinogenic agent. This study analyzed the influence of seasonality on yields, antioxidant capacity, and 1N2F conte...
Cardiovascular effects of the essential oil of Aniba canelilla bark in normotensive rats. J. Cardiovasc. Phar- macol. 46, 412-421.Lahlou S, Magalhaes PJC, Siqueira RJB, Figueiredo AF, Interaminense LFL, Maia JGS, Sousa PJ 2005. Cardiovascular effects ...
Taveira, F.S.N.; Lima, W.N.; Andrade, E.H.A.; Maia, J.G.S. 2003. Seasonal essential oil variation of Aniba canelilla. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 31: 69-75.TAVEIRA, F.S.N. et al. Seasonal essential oil variation of Aniba canelilla. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, ...
Aniba canelilla (H.B.K.) Mez. e uma especie arborea da Amazonia que produz oleo essencial. A extracao do oleo de suas folhas e galhos pode ser uma forma alternativa de evitar a derrubada do tronco para sua producao de oleo essencial. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os fatores que...