Case, Anne, and Deaton, Angus (2020) Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, Princeton University Press, NJ.doi:10.13001/JWCS.V5I1.6277Jack MetzgarUniversity of Wyoming Libraries
2.诺贝尔经济学奖得主安格斯.迪顿( Angus Deaton )和妻子妮·凯斯( Anne Case )在2015年的一篇颇有影响力的论 文中提出了“绝望之死”一词。他们发现, 除了战争和流行病时期,儿十年来全世 界人口死亡率一直都在下降,而在这个 背景下,美国中年白人的死亡率自1999 年就开始急剧上升。没有大学学历、处干 工作...
The charity – started by farmers in Angus, Peebles and Wiltshire - has now transported 500 of them from across Scotland and around the UK. FromBBC "Deaths of despair" — which Anne Case and Angus Deaton write about in their book by that name — are a fact of life here. ...
Anne Case i Angus Deaton: Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalismdoi:10.3935/RSP.V28I1.1769Predrag Bejakovi
Anne CaseChristina PaxsonEconomic JournalBesley T.,Case A.,Paxson C.Angus Deaton Symposium-Introduction[J].The Economic Journal,2011,121(554):F119-F122.Angus Deaton Symposium – Introduction[J] . Timothy Besley,Anne Case,Christina Paxson.The Economic Journal . 2011 (554)...