Two years after his appearance in "North Hollywood" and less than two months before his death, Cloud starred in yet another drama film: Ethan Berger's "The Line." Similar to Cloud's aforementioned movie credit, "The Line" features Alex Wolff as college student Tom, who finds himself confli...
Up and coming actor Angus Cloud was found dead at his Oakland Hills, California home on July 31st 2023 at just 25 years old. The Euphoria star’s death comes as the latest blow to creative team Radio Silence as they struggle against the grain trying to get their secretive Universal Monste...
Parry describes the process she normally undertakes for creating BIM files from Matterport digital twins. It starts by ordering a MatterPak Bundle of the captured built space and downloading an .xyz point cloud file. Then she imports it into Autodesk Recap Pro. “We organize points into regions...