$q promise是跟AngularJS模板引擎集成的,这意味着在视图中找到任何Promise都会在视图中被执行或者拒绝。 我们可以先使用$q的defer()方法创建一个deferred对象,然后通过deferred对象的promise属性,将这个对象变成一个promise对象;这个deferred对象还提供了三个方法,分别是resolve(),reject(),notify()。 下面我们来通过代码逐...
$q promise是跟AngularJS模板引擎集成的,这意味着在视图中找到任何Promise都会在视图中被执行或者拒绝。 我们可以先使用$q的defer()方法创建一个deferred对象,然后通过deferred对象的promise属性,将这个对象变成一个promise对象;这个deferred对象还提供了三个方法,分别是resolve(),reject(),notify()。 下面我们来通过代码逐...
$stateProvider.state. If set to 0, the user will have to wait for a template to be fetched ...
This example binds a Promise to the view. Clicking the 销毁按钮将Promise销毁。 @Component({ selector: 'async-promise-pipe', template: ` promise|async: {{ arrived ? 'Reset' : 'Resolve' }} Wait for it... {{ greeting | async }} ` }) export class AsyncPromisePipeComponent { greeting:...
AngularJS 1.3 enables us to switch those debug information, what you need to do todisablethe debug info: app.config(function( $compileProvider ) { $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); }); Toenableit again, you can do in console: ...
app.factory('MGAindexdb', function(jsonService) { // // App global database instance and schema // var db = new Dexie("MGADT"); db.version(1).stores({ // friends: "++id,name,shoeSize", users: "++id,usr_id,nombre,email,fb_email,registration_date,validated,membership,amount,last_...
functionPromise(){ this.$$state = {status:0}; } extend(Promise.prototype, { then:function(onFulfilled, onRejected, progressBack){ if(isUndefined(onFulfilled) && isUndefined(onRejected) && isUndefined(progressBack)) { returnthis; } varresult =newPromise(); ...
If asynchronous then it must return aPromise, which should resolve to an array of documents that will replace the previous array. By returning aPromise, the processor tells Dgeni that it is asynchronous and Dgeni will wait for the promise to resolve before calling the next processor. ...
when-in-doubt-return-a-promise whitelist-renovate why-cy-log-prints-nothing why-cypress why-function-bind-matters-little-in-angular why-node-is-different why-promises-need-to-be-done why-upgrade-dependencies why-use-reactive-streams-for-components winning-hackathons wordle-page-objects work-around...