The following output is seen: Vue JS vs AngularJS: Core Differences Here are some core differences between Vue JS vs AngularJS. These core differences highlight feature differences that you, as a developer might use to decide which framework to use. Feature/AspectVue.jsAngular Architecture Compon...
AngularJS application mainly relies on controllers to control the flow of data in the application. A controller is defined using ng-controller directive. A controller is a JavaScript object containing attributes/properties and functions. Each controller accepts $scope as a parameter which refers to ...
For further discussion on this topic Misko Hevery's article in the Google Testing blog could be considered. Factory Method The factory method pattern is a creational pattern, which uses factory methods to deal with the problem of creating objects without specifying the exact class of object that ...
Digital Thoughts is the official blog of T/DG. Follow our blogs on software development, Cloud computing, mobile technology, digital transformation of enterprises and more. The Digital Group Blog - technology thought leadership.
Sometimes you want to create a custom palette which is based on another one. Material Tools for AngularJS Material provides an easy way to extend palettes. {theme:{primaryPalette:'darkerRed',accentPalette:'blue'},palettes:{'darkerRed':{extends:'red',contrastDefaultColor:'dark'}}} ...
Scalable architecture patterns Speed and performance optimisations Enterprise-grade support options Trusted by tech giants like Google, Microsoft, etc. Also Read Angular vs React: Which Should You Choose for Frontend Development? The Bottom Line
The $scope.urls array is used to store the data received from the Firebase child_added event (one note here to say that the Firebase child_added will also provide the entire data-set on first load, which is okish, but I would prefer that the child_added only fired for new events)...
<!-- Angular --> This is visible Markup Copy Data Binding AngularJS: AngularJS uses double curly braces ({{ }}) for data binding, which allows you to display data in the view. <!-- AngularJS --> {{ message }} Markup Copy Angular: Angular also uses double curly braces for interpol...
Making a function call which is defined in the controller. This method should return the CSS attributes. ng-style="selectedColor.key == 'Blue' ? blueValue : otherValue" Using conditions based on selected Color’s Key, we can decide which CSS property to use, and it will reflect accordingl...
CSSIt stands for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is used to style the layout developed using HTML. JavaScriptIt is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used to make webpages interactive. Why to Learn AngularJS? Angular is a TypeScript-based front-end framework that is very...