Jan 29, 20255 mins feature 3 Python web frameworks for beautiful front ends Jan 22, 20258 mins Show me more analysis Microsoft’s first step to scalable quantum computing By Simon Bisson Feb 20, 20258 mins Cloud ComputingMicrosoft AzureQuantum Computing ...
Meteor Angular App with MongoDB (Part I) Meteor Angular App with MongoDB (Part II - Angular talks with MongoDB) Meteor Angular App with MongoDB (Part III - Facebook / Twitter / Google logins) Scala/Java Play app with Angular Laravel 5 / Angular Auth using JSON Web Toke...
your workflow stays at a pro-level at all times with AngularJS website templates. Go with MaterialPro or any other and see fantastic results shortly after. MaterialPro delivers plenty chart options, tables, validation forms and a plethora of plugins. Whatever you look for, chances are, Materia...
First Name: Last Name: Reset form = {{user }} original = {{original}} var app = angular.module("mainApp", []); app.controller("formController", function($scope) { $scope.original = {first
WithnameController.js: function nameController($scope){ $scope.firstName = 'Claude'; $scope.lastName = 'Debussy'; $scope.fullName = function() { return $scope.firstName + " " + $scope.lastName; } } Controller defined within a module ...
WithmyCtrl.js: function myCtrl($scope) { $scope.firstName = "Albert"; $scope.lastName = "Camus"; } Note: for this sample, we used Angular 1.2.0: in the example, we're using function instead of app.controller. Global namespace & controller ...
If we want to add or remove, we can do it with this: Hello scope and controller Name: Add Remove Capitals {{ name }} function nameController($scope) { $scope.names = ["
Withplanet2.json: [ {"name":"Neptune", "distance":30.087, "light":"4 hours"}, {"name":"Uranus", "distance":19.208, "light":"2 hours 40 minutes"}, {"name":"Saturn", "distance":9.523, "light":"1 hour 20 minutes"},
AngularJS is a JavaScript MVC framework developed by Google. It can be added to an HTML page with a tag. It enables us to create single-page applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side. AngularJSextendsHTML attributes withDirectivesandData bindingto HTML with...
Population: {{country.population | number }} Capital: {{country.capital}} GDP: {{country.gdp | currency }} Note that we used filters: to display comma, we filteredcountry.populationwithnumberandcountry.gdpwithcurrencyto put a $ sign. Note that we usedng-srcto make it easier...