使用confirm , 针对选择 yes 和选择no 的方法 vardlg = $dialogs.confirm('Please Confirm','Is this awesome or what?'); dlg.result.then(function(btn){//yes callback$scope.confirmed = 'You thought this quite awesome!'; },function(btn){//no callback$scope.confirmed = 'Shame on you for n...
带有Yes or No两个按钮的操作确认框(Prompt)和信息提示框基本一样,就多一个按钮, 可以为每个按钮分别设置Yes or No的属性,Yes就设成true,No就设成false. <button mat-button [mat-dialog-close]="false">不</button> <button mat-button [mat-dialog-close]="true" cdkFocusInitial>是的</button> 1. ...
message:'message',confirmText:'Yes',cancelText:'No',isDataFromHome:true//pass a variable from another components as well and check the value of this variable in dialog component, on the basis of which you can define different functions on OK and Cancel});...
AngularJS是一种流行的前端开发框架,它是由Google开发和维护的。AngularJS类确认按钮是指在AngularJS中实现的一种确认按钮组件,用于在用户点击按钮时执行确认操作。 概念:A...
In the dialog that opens, select your version control system from the list and specify the repository to check out the application sources from. For more information, refer to Check out a project (clone). Download the dependencies Click Run 'npm install' or Run 'yarn install' in the po...
ngx-smart-modal - Modal/Dialog component crafted for Angular (Ivy-compatible). up-window-angular - An Angular library designed to create dynamic, customizable modals and window-based components for web applications. ngx-concern - Angular library for creating simple, unstyled dialogs/modals and action...
Select theAngular.js, orAngular.min.js, or an entire directory in the dialog that opens. CLion returns to theNew Librarydialog where theNameread-only field shows the name of the selected files or folder. In theTypefield, specify which version you have downloaded and are going to add. ...
yesBtn : { name : 'Ok', click : function(e) { if($("#select_id").val().length==0){ alert("Pleace choice value"); return; } self.insertHtml($("#select_id").val()); dialog.remove(); } }, noBtn : { name : 'Cancel', ...
"ngdialog-button ngdialog-button-secondary" ng-click="closeThisDialog(0)">No</button>\<button type="button" class="ngdialog-button ngdialog-button-primary" ng-click="confirm(1)">Yes</button>\</div>',plain:true});// NOTE: return the promise from openConfirmreturnnestedConfirmDialog;}}...