getValueWithPromise(){this.resolveAfter2Seconds(20).then(value=>{console.log(`promise result:${value}`);});console.log('I will not wait until promise is resolved');} 在上面的情况下,第 5 行的 console.log() 应在第 3 行的 console.log() 之前执行。这是 Promise 的基本性质。 现在让我们...
please wait...") } }]) APP.directive('load', function() { return { restrict: 'AE', //link函数一般有总共有4个参数 link:function(scope,element,attr){//link函数监听事件,鼠标滑动 element.bind("mouseenter",function(){//给
this.asyncResult = await this.httpClient.get<Employee>(this.url).toPromise(); console.log('No issues, I will wait until promise is resolved..'); } 4.4. Conditional programming 很多时候应用程序需要从一个 url 获取数据并使用条件来获取下一个数据。使用 Promise 代码应如下所示: getConditionalDataUs...
getDataUsingPromise(){this.httpClient.get<Employee>(this.url).toPromise().then(data=>{this.promiseResult=data;console.log('Promise resolved.')});console.log('I will not wait until promise is resolved..');} 使用async-await 获得 HttpClient 结果: 使用async-await模式,我们既不需要subscribe也不需...
Wait a minute, I don’t see it here - all I see is name and age, let me check the prototype. Yup, looks like it’s on the prototype, let me call it.”. Below is code for how you can think about what the ‘new’ keyword is actually doing in JavaScript. It’s basically a ...
Waiting for the anti-shake to end I used await new Promise and setTimeout. When executing line 8, let the thread wait for 1 second. After the teacher corrected it, it was found that this was not good. If a test needs to wait an hour, then our execution time will take 1 hour, wh...
1. And finally we must wait for the dependencies to load to start our app and thus make sure that the Web Components are ready to be used: import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; 1. import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';import { AppModule ...
debounceTime(400) // wait for 400 ms pause in events .distinctUntilChanged() // ignore if next search term is same as previous .subscribe(term => => this.items = items)); } } It would be a waste of resources to send out another ...
(but it is). but wait! you say. maybe angular momentum is only conserved because i am calculating it with respect to the center of mass for the ball-spring system. ok, fine. let's move this point to somewhere else such that the momentum vectors will be the same, but now the r-...
Resolve makes the new view wait for the route to resolve. A “busy” animation can be shown before the resolve and through the view transition. If you want to get to the View faster and do not require a checkpoint to decide if you can get to the View, consider the controller activate...