| [![feat - 1b9fd46d14](https://img.shields.io/badge/1b9fd46d14-feat-blue)](https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/1b9fd46d14ed46f78b6d761b3917ded1f0d51e0d) | add support for Node.js version 18 (#47730) | | [![feat - ed11a13c3c](https://img.shields.io/badge/ed...
ng --version 显示 Angular 不支持当前版本的 Node (16.8.0) 我刚刚使用nvm和angular/cli(12.2)安装了最新版本的node(16.8) 。 但是当我运行ng --version 它显示以下内容: 警告:Angular 不支持当前版本的 Node (16.8.0)。 我试图降级节点并安装节点 14.15但ng不再工作了。 我应该忽略警告并使用节点 16吗?
const personNode= person[SIGNAL] as SignalNode<string>;//1. 换了对象引用,但是值是相同的person.set({ firstName: 'Derrick'}); console.log(personNode.version);//2. version 是 1,已经累加了,因为 compare 方式是 ===,对象的 reference 不同 如果我们想改变它 compare 的方式可以通过 equal options...
support for Node.js v22 add--versionoption add@angular/buildpackage to update group list change update guide link to angular.dev eliminate prompts duringng versioncommand keep cli package first in update package group metadata only add --version option on default command ...
"version": "0.0.0", "private": true, "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "prepare": "husky install", "ng": "nx", "postinstall": "node ./decorate-angular-cli.js", "start": "public:dev", "build": "nx build", "test": "nx test", ...
| [![feat - 99d874fe3b](https://img.shields.io/badge/99d874fe3b-feat-blue)](https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/99d874fe3b486f3669b0e8f1910e31c4fa278308) | add support for TypeScript 5.0 (#49126) | | [![feat - d1617c449d](https://img.shields.io/badge/d1617c449d-...
Webpack configuration can be also written in TypeScript. In this case, it is the application'stsConfigfile which will be used bytsnodeforcustomWebpackConfig.tsexecution. Given the following example: // extra-webpack.config.tsimport{Configuration}from'webpack';exportdefault{output:{library:'shop...
Angular CLI 在执行 ng version 命令时,会检查项目中的 node_modules 文件夹,以及相关的 package.json 文件。具体到 TypeScript 版本的解析,这一过程主要涉及以下几个步骤: 解析过程概览 读取package.json 文件:Angular CLI 首先会在项目根目录下查找 package.json 文件。这个文件包含了项目的元数据和依赖信息,其中...
电脑中node安装的版本v11,在使用ionic serve 启动项目时提示如上 根据提示Angular CLI 需要对应 v10.13 或者 v12.0,所以在控制面板中将node卸载,然后再重新下载对应版本的node进行安装 这里是下载的node-v10.13 https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/download/releases/ ...
Latest version of Node js and npm installed (instructions provided in the course) Visual Studio Code or any preferred code editor Git installed for version control (instructions provided in the course) Basic command-line knowledge (navigating directories, running commands) ...