升级前到 Angular 17 之前, 请确保当前 Angular 已经升级到 Angular 16, 并完成了 Angular 16 所有的迁移任务. 如果没有完成 Angular 13 到 14, 14 到 15, 以及 15 到 16 的升级任务, 可以参考我的博客从 Angular 13 升级到 Angular 15 | 鹏叔的技术博客,一步一步升级到 Angular 16 升级前需要了解 An...
- Existing iframe usages may have security-sensitive attributes applied as an attribute or property binding in a template or via host bindings in a directive. Such usages would require an update to ensure compliance with the new stricter rules around iframe bindings. - Existing iframe usages may ...
- The `RouterEvent` type is no longer present in the `Event` union type representing all router event types. If you have code using something like `filter((e: Event): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent)`, you'll need to update it to `filter((e: Event|RouterEvent): e ...
I currently have Angular CLI 13.1.3 Node 14.15.1 Package Manager 8.12.1 tsc 4.7.2 When I issue "ng update @angular/core@14 @angular/cli@14" I get the following: The installed Angular CLI version is outdated. Installing a temporary Angula...
Same problem when migrating from NX 13 to 14 --- Ran remove-library-generator-style-default from @nrwl/angular Remove the default for the invalid 'style' option for the library generator if configured. UPDATE nx.json --- > NX Failed to run migration-v13 from @angular/cdk. This workspace...
feat: update to Angular 17 (#3236) 11个月前 .editorconfig feat(app): initial a new project structure 8年前 .eslintrc.json feat(angular): update to Angular 16 (#3222) 1年前 .gitattributes chore: specify line endings (#1135) 6年前 ...
update((value) => value + 1); mutate 函数进行设置值,无需返回新的引用: // mutate the value of the signal (handy for objects/arrays) const user = signal({ name: 'JB', favoriteFramework: 'Angular' }); user.mutate((user) => user.name = 'Cédric'); 计算属性: const double = ...
Notice that we have bindings in this directive. After$compilecompiles and links, it will try to match directives on the element’s children. This means you can compose directives of other directives. We’ll see how to do that inan examplebelow. 注意这样我们就做了指令的...