关键有两点:在测试套件内调用configureTestSuite();使用beforeAll替换beforeEach来为测试套件配置初始数据(注:当前 test suite 内所有 test case 都是使用同一个临时的 Testing Module,所以写在 beforeAll 里,而不是 beforeEach 里)。现在代码如下: describe('#productions Production wizard bates settings',()=>{con...
onKeydown(e, num) {switch(e.which) {case13://entercase32: {//Spacee.preventDefault();this.select(+num);break; }case38: {//upe.preventDefault();this.onUp(this.focus);break; }case39: {//righte.preventDefault();this.onRight(this.focus);break; }case37: {//lefte.preventDefault();...
The test is still successful in that case. In my opinion it should fail, since the test module clearly is missing this component. I saw that there have been efforts to make it appear as an error:00f3c58. This has been reverted in this commit:00f3c58. But that wouldn't change the ...
When the descriptions for nested describe()s and a final it() are concatenated together, they form a sentence that fully describes the test case.Since unit tests exercise the code in isolation, they are fast, robust, and allow for a high degree of code coverage....
右键点击被测试的文件(以Component为例),选择 generate unit test,就会自动生成 .spec.ts文件 生成测试文件 post.component.spec.ts 生成的测试文件会为每个function生成一个用例: post.component.spec.ts 并且会自动添加所需要的依赖,上部分是测试需要的依赖,下部分为Component的依赖: ...
要启动node服务器需要在package.json中配置script节点,dependencies中定义依赖包,在script配置start节点用于启动服务器,test节点的内容会在后面讲解。 "name":"angularjs-test","version":"0.0.1","dependencies":{"bower":"^1.7.7","http-server":"^0.9.0","jasmine-core":"^2.4.1","karma":"^0.13.22"...
In this case, the command parses the named configurations from left to right. If multiple configurations change the same setting, the last-set value is the final one. 如果多个配置都修改了同一个设置,以最后一个配置为准。 Assets configuration ...
made with angular - A showcase of web apps built with Angular. built with angular - Discover apps of all sizes, including Open Source and Indie developer projects. angular.love - Polish community for Angular fans. angular hub - Curated list of Angular events and communities. angular space -...
it: Define an individual test case. Each block describes a single behavior being tested and contains the actual test code. beforeEach: This function is executed before each test within adescribeblock, helping to set up the conditions that are common across several tests. ...
fix($compile): couple of unit tests for IE9Older IEs serialize html uppercased, but IE9 does not...Would be better to expect case insensitive, unfortunately jasmine doesnot allow to user regexps for throw expectations.Closes #392Breaks foo.bar api, foo.baz should be used instead 示例3 fe...