我使用了angular2/core中的Injector类来获取父对象的routeparams。事实证明,angular 2不能处理深度嵌套的...
原api出处: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngRoute/service/$routeParams $routeParams 可以获取当前路径参数. 需要ngroute模块被安装。 路径参数是$location.search()和$location.path()的组合. 当$route被匹配的时候,路径参数就会被获取. 在参数名称冲突的情况下,路径参数优先于搜索参数。 $routeParams服务保证...
1.导包 2.依赖注入ngRoute var myapp=angular.module("myapp",["ngRoute"]); 3.配置路由 myapp.config(function ($routeProvider) { //页面选择 $routeProvider.when("/home",{ // template:"这是主页面" templateUrl:"home.html" }).when("/about",{ // template:"这是关于我们的信息" templateUrl...
This means that you cannot rely on $routeParams being correct in route resolve functions.然后你可以再看看文档里的这个例子,注意这个例子里模拟了异步的延迟,于是当你切换 routes 的时候,仔细观察 $route.current.params 和 $routeParams 的变化顺序;另外看清楚这个例子是...
$route.otherwise({redirectTo: '/phones'})语句使得当浏览器地址不能匹配我们任何一个路由规则时,触发重定向到/phones。 注意到在第二条路由声明中:phoneId参数的使用。route服务使用路由声明/phones/:phoneId作为一个匹配当前URL的模板。所有以:符号声明的变量(此处变量为phones)都会被提取,然后存放在routeParams...
create a navigation that only updates query params using an empty command array, for example `router.navigate([], {relativeTo: route, queryParams: newQueryParams})`. In this case, the `relativeTo` property should be removed. ## Deprecations ...
ngOnInit():void{this.route.params.subscribe(params=>{this.id = params.id;this.reuseTabService.title =`编辑${this.id}`; }); } } 生命周期 路由复用过程中不会触发现有任何生命周期钩子(例如:ngOnInit等),但是往往需要在复用过程中刷新数据,因此reuse-tab提供了两种新生命周期钩子用于临时解决这类问题...
The important thing to notice here is that we just injected the $routeParams service into the driver controller. This service will allow us to access our URL parameters (for the :id, in this case) using $routeParams.id. Now that we have our data in the scope, we only need the remaini...
Route configurations may need to be adjusted to prevent infinite redirects where additional redirects were previously ignored after an absolute redirect occurred. - Routes with `loadComponent` would incorrectly cause child routes to inherit their data by default. The default ...
$sceDelegateProvider $sceProvider $injector $provide $ariaProvider $aria $cookieStore $cookies mock $exceptionHandlerProvider TzDate dump inject $resource $routeProvider $route $routeParams $sanitize $swipe controller $scope service factory provider ngResource defer config when otherwise directive run ...