第五章,数据迭代组件,涵盖了使用 PrimeNG 提供的数据迭代组件来可视化数据的基本和高级功能,包括 DataTable、DataList、PickList、OrderList、Tree 和 TreeTable。讨论的功能包括排序、分页、过滤、延迟加载以及单个和多个选择。高级数据可视化与日程安排和 DataScroller 组件也将被演示。 第六章,令人惊叹的覆盖和消息,展...
MagnetarQuill stands out with its plugin architecture, cross-browser support, and stunning theming options. ngx-editorjs2 - A highly extensible block-style editor inspired by Editor.js. It allows users to create and manage rich text content using a variety of customizable blocks while leveraging ...
8⭐ 1🍴 MagnetarQuill) - A versatile, extensible, and powerful WYSIWYG editor built with Angular, designed to streamline content creation with rich text, media, tables, and more. MagnetarQuill stands out with its plugin architecture, cross-browser support, and stunning theming options. File Up...
TypeError: content.stripHtml is not a function at eval (webpack-internal:///./components/Example.tsx:37:58) at Array.map (<anonymous>) at Example (webpack-internal:///./components/Example.tsx:21:40) at renderWithHooks (/Users/vickyvish/Projects/eweb-next/node_modules/react-dom/cjs/reac...
devextreme-quill 1.6.2 间接依赖 npm @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd 7.18.6 间接依赖 npm @xmldom/xmldom 0.8.6 间接依赖 npm object.pick 1.3.0 间接依赖 npm postcss-attribute-case-insensitive 4.0.2 间接依赖 npm p-retry 3.0.1 间接依赖 npm run-async 2.4.1 间接依赖 npm inferno-shared 7.4...
Performance improvements on TreeTable #6898 InputGroup support for InputMask #5783 Improve keyboard accessibility for SelectButton and ToggleButton #5739 MultiSelect dropdown click event #5701 More options for Editor #5695 add support for 3rd party modules to quill editor (image drop and resize) #56...
4.2 想将打包生成的目录cc-client修改成你自己的名称,打开.angular-cli.json,修改配置outDir,将cc-client修改成你自己的名称。 单元测试 npm test <--- 使用npm命令测试,目前的模块中没有加入测试代码,需要自行添加 特别声明 如果本界面中使用到了您的产品或是对您造成了影响请及时联系我,我将第一时间去除 技术...
Hi @soccerloway thank you for creating this addition to quill, I followed a video before this on how to implement quill in my angular project but now I can't implement the quill-better-table to it, I already search and try many ways but ...
quill editor with angular and TS CodeBe. CodeBe(码B)是一个是使用angular2整合各种插件的项目,包括(layer,bootstrap-table,markdown编辑器,highcharts,ckeditor,高德地图,fullcalendar 等等)。如果你有什么想要集成的插件,请告诉我,我来加进去。(请给我加个星,谢谢。) ngx-echarts. An angular (ver >= 2...
MagnetarQuill stands out with its plugin architecture, cross-browser support, and stunning theming options. ngx-editorjs2 - A highly extensible block-style editor inspired by Editor.js. It allows users to create and manage rich text content using a variety of customizable blocks while leveraging ...