AngularJS 权威教程 ng-book PDF 文档 本书是学习 AngularJS 的公认经典,内容全面,讲解通俗,适合各层次的学习者。作者拥有丰富的 AngularJS 开发和教学经验,也是一位全栈工程师。全书 35 章,由浅入深地讲解了 AngularJS 的基本概念和基本功能,包括模块、作用域、控制器、表达式、指令、路由、依赖注入等,重要...
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Acquire skills to unit test your Angular projectsWho This Book Is For:This book is for web developers who want to create rich client-side applications. Foundational knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is recommended."Adam's books provide a finely tuned blend of architectural overview, technical depth...
angular-scaffold - Scaffold an Angular project with all tooling you need for production projects. vscode-angulartools - You can explore an Angular project, enhance documentation, reverse engineer code, and do refactoring with AngularTools. ngx-schematics-utilities - Useful utilities for Angular Schemati...
Carlos is the co-founder and director of Gistia Labs, a team that specializes in full stack engineering projects as well as training established development teams in Angular and Ruby on Rails. Contributors Nic Raboy Nic Raboy is an advocate of modern web and mobile development technologies. He ...
This ebook and these exercises are the result of countless hours spent on different projects. They contain all the best practices we encountered. We would have saved so much time if we had that book when we started! We go over kickstarting, tests, code organisation, tips for production, and...