Now it logs a warning in that case, and errors out only if there are no found files in any spec patterns. Closes #260 (f3b3fdb) fix(element): fix an error where all.then() wasn't calling callbacks. Closes #267 (137d804) fix(jasminewd): patched matcher should understand 'not' ...
translate.get(_('demo.interpolation.pipe-with-parameters'), {name: 'John'}).subscribe((text: string) => { console.log(`using get(): ${text}`); }); In the console log of your browser, you should see: using get(): Hallo John, ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut! We just re-use on...
It takes integers, strings, arrays, and date as input separated with | to be converted in the format as required and display the same in the browser.Let us consider a few examples using pipes.Here, we want to display the text given to uppercase. This can be done using pipes as ...
name = uppercaseFilter('foo'); //FOO } Services Every piece of logic, which doesn't belong to the components described above, should be placed inside a service. Usually services encapsulate the domain specific logic, persistence logic, XHR, WebSockets, etc. When the controllers in the ...
can be written with arrow functions like this: getUser(login) .then(user => getRights(user)) .then(rights => updateMenu(rights)) How cool is it? THAT cool! Note that the return is also implicit if there is no block: no need to write user ⇒ return getRights(user). But if ...
{ error: 'test 404 error', status: 404, statusText: 'Not Found' }); httpClientSpy.get.and.returnValue(asyncError(errorResponse)); heroService.getHeroes().subscribe( heroes => fail('expected an error, not heroes'), error => expect(error.message).toContain('test 404 error') );...
Title through uppercase pipe: {{title | uppercase}}安全导航操作符 ( ?. ) 和空属性路径Angular 的安全导航操作符 (?.) 是一种流畅而便利的方式,用来保护出现在属性路径中 null 和 undefined 值。 下例中,当currentHero为空时,保护视图渲染器,让它免于失败。 {{currentClasses?.colorC}}加上安全操作符...
heroName = 'Windstorm'; this.logger.clear(); // clear log on create } this.hookLog = this.logger.logs; this.logger.tick(); } updateHero() { this.heroName += '!'; this.logger.tick(); } } 管道运算符 import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Pipe, Pipe...
Pipes take your data and manipulates it. Some Angular pipes are | date, | currency, | uppercase. Custom pipes can be created, too. InFigure 7, | async is used. This pipe is useful when handling data from an Observable. Products is an Observable, and you do...
本文参考了Rich Freedman先生的博客"Integrating Angular 2 with Spring Boot, JWT, and CORS",使用了部分代码(tour-of-heroes-jwt-full),博客地址请见文末参考文档。前端基于Angular官方样例Tour of Heroes。完整源码请从github下载:heroes-api,heroes-web。