ngIf 根据表达式是否成立,决定是否展示 DOM 标签 1 3">这是 ngIF 判断是否显示 ngIf else 这是 ngIF 内容 <ng-template #ElseContent> 这是else内容 </ng-template>//结构性指令都依赖于 ng-template,*ngIf 实际上就是 ng-template 指令的 [ngIf] 属性。 ngFor {{item}}--{{i}} ngSwitch ...
Cloud Studio代码运行 此区域内容仅为付费用户可见=18; else forChildren">此处是成年的家长看的内容...<ng-template #forChildren>此处是未成年的宝宝看的...</ng-template><!--ngIf,else此处只能用NG模板元素ng-template,该容器可以存放其他标签--> ts文件: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud ...
build: update to bazel v5 for new runfiles API used in dev-infra (#45407 Mar 22, 2022 .clang-format feat(tooling): Add a .clang-format for automated JavaScript formatting. Apr 2, 2015 .editorconfig build: use https link to in .editorconfig (#27664) ...
currentValue); if (changedProp.isFirstChange()) { log.push(`Initial value of ${propName} set to ${to}`); } else { let from = JSON.stringify(changedProp.previousValue); log.push(`${propName} changed from ${from} to ${to}`); } } this.changeLog.push(log.join(', ')); } }...
}elseif(httpEvent.type ===HttpEventType.DownloadProgress) { console.log('downloading response body'); }elseif(httpEvent.type ===HttpEventType.Response) {//2. TypeScript Narrowing 后 httpEvent 的类型就从 HttpEvent 变成 HttpResponse 类型//可以拿到 body 属性等等。const body =httpEvent.body; ...
} else if (portal instanceof TemplatePortal) { this._attachedPortal = portal; return this.attachTemplatePortal(portal); } throwUnknownPortalTypeError(); } attach处理前先根据Portal的类型是确实是组件还是模板,然后再进行相应的处理,其实最终还是调用了ViewContainerRef的createComponent或者createEmbeddedView方法...
//src/app/app.component.ts login() { if (this.msalGuardConfig.authRequest){ this.authService.loginPopup({...this.msalGuardConfig.authRequest} as PopupRequest); } else { this.authService.loginPopup(); } } logout() { this.authService.logoutPopup({ mainWindowRedirectUri: '/', });...
items.update(itemsArray => [itemsArray, …newItem]); ``` - `OnPush` components that are created dynamically now only have their host bindings refreshed and `ngDoCheck run` during change detection if they are dirty. Previously, a bug in the change detection would result in the `OnPush` ...
28 Open pull requests 34 Closed issues 12 New issues Loading Could not load contribution data Please try again later Loading01020 2Releases published by1person 19.2.1 v19.2.1 publishedMar 5, 2025 20.0.0-next.1 v20.0.0-next.1 publishedMar 5, 2025 ...
//src/app/app.component.ts login() { if (this.msalGuardConfig.authRequest){ this.authService.loginPopup({...this.msalGuardConfig.authRequest} as PopupRequest); } else { this.authService.loginPopup(); } } logout() { this.authService.logoutPopup({ mainWindowRedirectUri: '/', })...