我也有这个问题,你可以运行npm install --legacy-peer-deps,这对我的工作升级材料版本 ...
npm install --save angular/material2-builds angular/cdk-builds Step 2: Animations Some Material components depend on the Angular animations module in order to be able to do more advanced transitions. If you want these animations to work in your app, you have to install the@angular/animationsmod...
Angular Material Learn about the latest improvements. Check out ourupgrade guideto find out the best way to upgrade your project. Contributing Read through ourcontributing guidelinesto learn about our submission process, coding rules and more. ...
Install Angular Material Open the embedded Terminal (AltF12) and type ng add @angular/material. Add "@angular/material": "^16.2.11" under dependencies in your package.json and run npm install. In the main menu, go to File | New | Angular Dependency, then select @angular/material fro...
npm install angular-material The above command will generate the following output −angular-animate@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-animate angular-aria@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-aria angular-messages@1.5.2 node_modules\angular-messages angular@1.5.2 node_modules\angular angular-material@1.0.6 node_...
For developers not interested in building the AngularJS Material library... useNPMto install and use the AngularJS Material distribution files. Change to your project's root directory. #To get the latest stable version, use NPM from the command line.npm install angular-material --save#To get...
Angular Material是一组遵循Material Design设置的约定的组件。 借助Angular CLI,只需运行以下命令即可在两个应用程序上安装Angular Material。 ng add @angular/material ng add @angular/material --project=gatling 注意:第一个命令不需要--project=administration参数,因为它是工作区配置中的默认项目("defaultProject"...
npm install -g @angular/cli Create the Project with the Angular CLI Let’s now create the Angular project using the Angular CLI. Simply run the following command: ng new angularmaterialdemo You can then serve your application by running: cd angularmaterialdemo ng serve The application will...
Suppose you are a beginner learning Angular material components. It is easy if you have a way to try out code in the browser, and Sencha Fiddle provides you with that ability. It is a free tool you can access from the browser, and you do not have to download or install anything to ...
CLI是Command Line Interface的简写,是一种命令行接口,实现自动化开发流程. 它可以创建项目、添加文件以及执行一大堆开发任务,比如测试、打包和发布。 官方文档:https://angular.io GitHub:https://github.com/angular/angular-cli Angular Material:https://material.angular.io/ ...