@include mat.all-component-themes($m2-theme); 效果 styles.scss (M3 版本) @use '@angular/material' as mat; @use '@angular/material-experimental' as matx; @include mat.core(); $m3-theme: matx.define-theme(( color: ( theme-type: light, primary: matx.$m3-blue-palette, tertiary: matx...
html{@include mat.all-component-themes($m3-theme);} 效果 M2 和 M3 的风格差别挺大的,圆角更明显了,颜色运用不太一样,字体尺寸也有微调。 不过这些我都不关心,毕竟我不是设计师,看不出哪一个比较好。 对比Material 2 和 Material 3 首先是 M3 需要引入多一个包 @angular/material-experimental @use '@...
假如我们想缩写 material checkbox,可以使用 density @function define-density-theme($scale){@return mat.define-theme( ( density:( scale: $scale, ), ) ); }mat-checkbox{@include mat.checkbox-density(define-density-theme(-2));} 效果. 红框touch-area 会被 display none,没了。 蓝框变成 32x32px。
@use'@angular/material'asmat;$theme:mat.define-light-theme((color:(primary:mat.define-palette(mat.$red-palette),accent:mat.define-palette(mat.$blue-palette),),typography:mat.define-typography-config(),density:-2,));@includemat.all-component-themes($theme); 新版本的组件包括广泛的可访问性改...
density: ( scale: 0, ) )); // Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app. // Alternatively, you can import and @include the theme mixins for each component // that you are using. :root { @include mat.all-component-themes($test-theme); ...
All components in the Angular components UI library are based on Material design system – but we have gone further with full bootstrap support, custom themes for complete control over branding in every Angular component we ship. Localized and Globalized ...
@use '@angular/material' as mat; @use "sass:map"; // Include the core Angular Material styles @include mat.core(); // Create a base theme without color. // This will globally set the density and typography for all future color themes. @include mat.all-component-themes(( color: null...
https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/packages/mdc-density 1346 1347 $_mat-density-interval: 4px !default; 1348 $_mat-density-minimum-scale: minimum !default; 1349 $_mat-density-maximum-scale: maximum !default; 1350 $_mat-density-supported-scales: (default,...
@material/tab-scroller 15.0.0-canary.bc9ae6c9c.0 间接依赖 npm @webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode 1.11.6 间接依赖 npm merge-descriptors 1.0.1 间接依赖 npm jest-cli 29.6.4 间接依赖 npm @socket.io/component-emitter 3.1.0 间接依赖 npm expand-brackets 2.1.4 间接依赖 npm pupa 3.1.0 间接依...
The input group component supports several themes - material, fluent, bootstrap, and indigo-design; The theme is automatically set during component initialization and is inferred from the currently used stylesheet. If you plan to support several themes in your application with runtime switching, you...