var YourCtrl = function($scope, localStorageService, ...) { // To add to local storage localStorageService.set('localStorageKey','Add this!'); // Read that value back var value = localStorageService.get('localStorageKey'); // To remove a local storage localStorageService.remove('localStorag...
import { StorageService } from './services/storage.service'; providers: [StorageService] 2:具体组件引用具体服务 比如先建todolist组件后,需要引入:import { StorageService } from '../../services/storage.service'; 并且在构造函数中注入该服务 3: 实现目标:组件调用服务,数据采用local storage持久化,初始...
set 方法里调用this.componentService.setActive(value, this.context),这个函数调用最终把执行投递到storage.setItem(configKey, JSON.stringify(value))上去: 总结 在Local Storage 出现之前,客户端数据存储主要依赖于 cookies。但是,cookies 存在许多不足,比如存储空间有限(通常只有 4KB),数据在每次 HTTP 请求时都会被...
在一个.net sln中包含多个project,project引用同一个dll导致的错误
你可以在这个界面输入用户名,点击按钮之后,你就能在 local storage 检视面板中看到有三个字段存储了值。 这一篇结束后你应该得到这样的效果 第一篇教程就到这里,简单回顾一下我们学到的知识点: 把ng-zorro-antd 引入到项目中 button input 两个组件的使用 利用service 解耦...
storageType:'localStorage' }) ], declarations:[ .. ], providers:[ .. ], bootstrap:[AppComponent] }) exportclassAppModule{} Then you can use it in a component: import{LocalStorageService}from'angular-2-local-storage'; @Component({
(1)定义一个名为auth.service.js的factory,用于处理和authentication相关的业务逻辑,比如login,logout,checkAuthentication,getAuthenticationParams等。此处略去其他业务,只专注Authentication的部分。(function() {'use strict'; angular .module('myApp') .factory('authService', authService); /**...
An Angular module that gives you access to the browsers local storage. Latest version: 0.7.1, last published: 7 years ago. Start using angular-local-storage in your project by running `npm i angular-local-storage`. There are 93 other projects in the npm
Have a look at this implementation I did for dealing with local storage. This is really simple and really does not need any third party library. (function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('myApp') .service('LocalStorageService', [ '$window', function($window) { var service = { store...