JavaScript Data Gridwith a spreadsheet-like look and feel. With its spreadsheet-like editing features, it’s perfect for building data-rich internal apps. It allows users to enter, edit, validate, and process data from various sources. Common use cases include resource planning software (ERP),...
or answers over stackoverflow. Over the course of last few years, we upgraded the version of AngularJS in our VWO app from 1.2.x to 1.8.3 (last version of 1.x that Angular team left us with 🥲). This upgrade also was gradual and version-by-version as we had to go through the ...
When given dependency is required by any component, AngularJS resolves it using the following algorithm: Takes its name and makes a lookup at a hash map, which is defined into a lexical closure (so it has a private visibility). If the dependency exists AngularJS pass it as parameter to th...
AngularJS was firmly built on top of the MVC pattern, which separated the application into three different layers. The combination of model, view, and controller plus the added complexity involved in mastering directives, factories, services and other components to create a single-page application f...
Mobile support: Videogular can detect mobile devices to show/hide components in case that aren't supported. Also, you could use it in your responsive websites, Videogular will always scale to fit its container. ** Important information:** Bower repositories have been deprecated. Now all module...
- Node.js v16 support has been removed and the minimum support version has been bumped to 18.13.0. Node.js v16 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-09-11. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v16 in Angular v17. For Node.js release schedule details, please see:
All Syncfusion Angular packages are available To install the Angular grid package, use the following command. ng add @syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids The above command does the below configuration to your Angular app. Adds@syncfusion/ej2-angular-gridspackage and its peer dependencies to...
jqxGrid is a feature-rich JavaScript data grid component provided by jQWidgets. It offers a wide range of functionalities, including sorting, filtering, paging, and editing, making it a powerful tool for displaying and manipulating tabular data. With its robust API and customizable options, jqxGrid...
6.3 Debugging a weird case of missing module in AngularJS and KarmaJS Leanpub book, originally based on Blog postsThis book started with the AngularJS related blog posts published on my blog and eventually evolved into the book you have in your hands (or eReader).The...
He has been using Angular since its release, and he can handle back-end tasks in multiple languages, such as Node.js, Python, and Java. Istvan has been the lead engineer on a number of projects, working closely with other domain experts while delegating and implementing technical tasks.Show...