在Angular 1.x中,我们可以使用angular.element(appElement).scope()来获取$scope,然后使用$apply(),这样原生javascript就可以直接调用angular函数或双向绑定。而在Angular 4中,我们如何通过原生javascript或android原生调用angular函数或双向绑定。例如: web是angular 4开发的,在android的webview中会用到,所以需要和and...
1.Set a specific element property. 2.Listen for an element event. Syntax: [()] 2. Local Reference(Template Reference variable) Use the hash symbol (#) to declare a reference variable. The following reference variable, #phone, declares a phone variable on an element. <!-- phone refers ...
39ddd884e8 fix show specific error for unresolved @HostListener's event name in local compilation mode (#54230) 5d633240fd fix show the correct message for the error LOCAL_COMPILATION_UNRESOLVED_CONST when an unresolved symbol used for @Component.styles (#54230) 58b8a232d6 fix support jumpin...
@Directive({ selector: '[appCallout]', }) export class CalloutDirective { @HostBinding('style.font-weight') fontWeight = 'normal'; @HostListener('mouseenter') onMouseEnter() { this.fontWeight = 'bold'; } @HostListener('mouseleave') onMouseLeave() { this.fontWeight = 'normal'; }...
方法装饰器,如@HostListener 参数装饰器,如@Inject TypeScript 编译器能够为装饰器发出一些设计时类型元数据。要访问这些信息,我们必须安装一个名为reflect-metadata的Polyfill: npm install reflect-metadata --save 现在我们可以访问,例如,在target对象上的属性(key)的类型如下: let typeOfKey = Reflect.getMetad...
(private el: ElementRef, private r2: Renderer2) { //第1种: 直接操作ElementRef // this.el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; //第2种: 推荐使用 renderer2 设置 // this.r2.setStyle(this.el.nativeElement, "background-color", 'yellow'); } @HostListener('mouseenter') onMouse...
...HostListener 是属性装饰器,用来为宿主元素添加事件监听,这个行为表示html端某个元素的事件,产生到达TS脚本的调用动作。...HostBinding 是属性装饰器,用来动态设置宿主元素的属性值,这个跟上面的动作相反,表示首先标记在html某元素的某属性,然后在TS脚本端,对这个属性进行设置、赋值。
Method decorators Used for methods inside classes, e.g. @HostListener import { Component, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-component', template: 'Method decorator' }) export class MyComponent { @HostListener('click', ['$event']) onHostClick(event: Event) ...
Timing changes for effect API (in developer preview): effects which are triggered outside of change detection run as part of the change detection process instead of as a microtask. Depending on the specifics of application/test setup, this can result in them executing earlier or later (or req...
There is a specific API within Angular we can use to listen to the global window and document events like the keyup and keydown events. Host Listeners To listen to the window for events, we will use the HostListener API. This API allows us to register a particular listener for events ...