promiseObj2:function($http){return$http({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}) .then (function(data) {returndoSomeStuffFirst(data); }); },//示例:使用 service 对应的字符串注入服务.//注意,service也可以返回一个promise,使用原理如上translations: "translations",//示例:使用返回值为 promise 的服务...
Provider recipe is syntactically defined as a custom type that implements a $get method. This method is a factory function just like the one we use in Factory recipe. In fact, if you define a Factory recipe, an empty Provider type with the $get method set to your factory function is aut...
Route templates can be attached to a method in a few different ways. All of the following code examples will perform the same way: C# Copy [HttpGet] [Route("{id: int}")] public Cart GetById(int cartId){ return _carts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == i...
Provider recipe is syntactically defined as a custom type that implements a $get method. This method is a factory function just like the one we use in Factory recipe. In fact, if you define a Factory recipe, an empty Provider type with the $get method set to your factory function is aut...
Every pipe class has to have thetransformmethod. It takesvalueas the first argument. And it can take any number of arguments after that to let us adjust howvalueis formatted. It also should return a string. In it, we create aIntl.NumberFormatinstance with thelocale,styleandcurrencyparameters...
在Angular Material Table 其中一个 examples --Table with selection里就使用到了 SelectionModel。 Simple use cases 顾名思义 SelectionModel 就是拿来做 select 和维护 model 用的。 new SelectionModel type SelectedType =string; const multiple=false; ...
The handlerFactory will be used by the DI system to get the handler, which allows you to inject services to be available to the handler.The handler factory should return the handler function. This function will receive all the arguments passed to the triggerHandler method. As a minimum this ...
sendQueueArrayQueue ofsendcalls to be made on socket when socket is able to receive data. List is populated by calls to thesendmethod, but this array can be spliced if data needs to be manually removed before it's been sent to a socket. Data is removed from the array after it's been...
自己瞎搞改width的后果。。。 看官网文档: 最终解决: showWarnningModal() {, { size: 'lg' }).result.then((result)...
This type is returned from thesend()instance method of $websocket, inherits from$q.defer().promise. Methods nameargumentsdescription cancelAlias todeferred.reject(), allows preventing an unsent message from being sent to socket for any arbitrary reason. ...