url:当前路由的URL片段数组,可以通过join方法将其转换为字符串形式。 pathFromRoot:当前路由到根路由的路径数组,可以通过map方法将其转换为字符串形式。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何获取当前活动组件路径: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular...
ngOnInit() { // Get Parent Path: about 获取父级path值 /*[UrlSegment] 0: UrlSegment parameterMap: (...) parameters: {} path: "xxxx" __proto__: Object length: 1 __proto__: Array(0) */ this.route.parent.url.subscribe(url => console.log(url[0].path)); // Get Current Path...
path1 = location.path(true); path2 = location.path(false) " > 修改当前浏览器url参数为单参数,并替换所属平台(如浏览器)的历史堆栈的顶部条目 修改当前浏览器url路径,参数为多参数,并替换所属平台(如浏览器)的历史堆栈的顶部条目 【含hash的url】{{ path1 }} 【不含hash的url】{{ path2 }...
'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] 获取当前位置...: Django/Jinja {{ request.path }} 获取带有querystring的URL: Django/Jinja {{ request.get_full_path }} 获取完全的绝对路径...: Django/Jinja {{ request.build_absolute_uri }} 示例表 假设, 我们的URL是: https...
$location 服务为只读的URL部分(absUrl,protocol,host,port)提供getter方法,也提供url,path,search,hash的getter、setter方法。 // get the current path $location.path(); // change the path $location.path('/newValue') 所有setter方法都返回同一个$location对象,以实现链式语法。例如,在一句里面修改多个属性...
Steps to get current route URL in Angular. 1. Import Router,NavigationEnd from angular/router and inject in the constructor. 2. Subscribe to the NavigationEnd event of the router.3. Get the current route Url by accessing NavigationEnd url property.
angular 的 router 有一个原则, 如果你触发一个 或则调用 router.navigate(...) 但是最终它发现 url 没变动,那么什么不会发生, route event 统统没有运行. 还有另一个是当 url change 时 angular 不会轻易 rebuild component, 如果它的 path 依然是激活的 angular 会保留它哦. 更新: 2017...
It allows "pretty print" to the console, as well as allowing log messages to be POSTed to a URL for server-side logging. angular-logger - A logger built with Angular in mind. ngx-action-logger - Logger for Angular applications, capable of both outputting data to the console or sending ...
$http.get("/competition.json") .success (data) -> $scope.flash._init data 但是,为了从历史记录导航和UX中受益,我希望更新地址栏以使用$ location为每个提示显示正确的url: $location.path "/i/#{idea.code}" $scope.$apply() 我在这里调用$ apply,因为此事件来自AngularJS上下文,即Flash。我希望保留...
Hello, I've just started looking at protractor for our angularjs apps and looks very promising. I want to use ptor.getCurrentUrl() to get url after login to make sure that I actually got logged in. My code looks something like this: var ...