Drag-and-Drop Drawing Excel Export PDF Export PDFViewer Conversational UI AIPromptNew Conversational UI Indicators Badge Loader Skeleton Diagrams and Maps Map Date Inputs CalendarUpdated DateInput DatePicker DateRange DateTimePicker MultiViewCalendar ...
Drag and Drop ng2-dragula - Simple drag and drop with dragula. ng2-dnd-loudandwicked - Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies. Masked Input angular2-text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript. ...
Drag and Drop Editor Components File Upload Forms General Form Controls Validation Icons Images Keyboard Mouse Layout Components Loaders Loggers Maps Markdown Media Mixed utilities Modals Notifications Printing QR Codes Scroll State Management NgRx NGXS Additional Storage Tooltips UI Libraries Unspecified...
ng-fullpage Fullpage скроллнаоснове fullPage.js file-droppaПростойзагрузчикфайловнаоснове drag and drop ngx-img-fallback Placeholder загрузкидля image и image error angular-busyИндикаторзагрузкидля ...
Highly customizable and configurable user interface (UI) to make a dialog box. Display critical information, errors, warnings, confirmations, alerts, questions, and message boxes. Use built-in features such as action buttons, drag-and-drop, positioning, animations, and themes. ...
The Angular Grid allows users to drag and drop rows to another DataGrid or custom component. Users can also drag and drop rows within the same DataGrid using the drag icon and transfer rows between different groups. Example of Row drag and drop Row drag and drop documentationMaster...
| bottom navigation| ✅| Readme| Docs| 2.0.0| dragdrop| ✅| Readme| Docs| 5.2.0 | | button group| ✅| Readme| Docs| 5.1.0| filter| ✅| Readme| Docs| 2.0.0 | | calendar| ✅| Readme| Docs| 5.1.0| focus-trap| ✅| Readme| Docs| 13.0.0 | ...
publicregistrationForm: FormGroup<User>;constructor(fb: FormBuilder){this.registrationForm = fb.group({username: ['', {nonNullable:true,validators: [Validators.required] }],email: ['', {nonNullable:true,validators: [Validators.required, Validators.email] }],password: ['', {nonNullable:true,...
Install Node.js and npm if they are not already on your machine. Verify that you are running at least Node.js version 8.x or greater and npm version 5.x or greater by running node -v and npm -v in a terminal/console window. ...
我们使用@angular/cdk/drag-drop名称空间中的内置moveItemInArray方法,该方法执行开箱即用的重新排序。它接受三个参数:我们要排序的数组,我们从中拖动它的当前项的索引,以及我们要将它放入的新索引。角形CDK 位于角形材质的核心,包含大量其他元素,供我们使用。在下一节中,我们将了解如何使用名为flexbox的模式布局...