<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="inputValue" [disabled]="isDisabled"> 在组件的方法中,根据需要更新isDisabled属性的值。例如,可以在点击按钮时将isDisabled属性设置为true来禁用输入字段: 代码语言:txt 复制 disableInput() { this.isDisabled = true; } 通过以上步骤,就可以实现在Angular 7中动态禁用输入...
>禁用输入(Fieldset disabled)</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="text" id="...
我正在尝试使用 [disable]=form.controls[...].invalid 条件检查来禁用提交按钮。如果输入字段为空或 invalid ,则应禁用提交按钮。但看起来我做错了。当我填充一些字段并将某些字段留空时,该按钮被禁用,第一个输入字段除外。当我填写第一个输入字段时,按钮变为启用状态(而其他输入字段仍为空或 invalid)。 //com...
disabled 属性不能被用于div 标签中,只能用于以下标签: <button><fieldset><input><keygen><optgroup><option><select><textarea> Syntax that will not disable an element: <button>Not Disabled</button><button[disabled]="false">Not Disabled</button> Syntax that will disable an element: <buttondisabled...
Option($event)"8[displayWith]="displayFn">9<mat-option*ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async"[value]="option">10{{option.label}}11</mat-option>12<mat-option*ngIf="loading"[disabled]="true"class="loading">13loading...14</mat-option>15<mat-option*ngIf="showAddBtn&&inputText...
2.4ng-disable ng-disabled 指令设置表单输入字段的 disabled 属性(input, select, 或 textarea)。如果 ng-disabled 中的表达式返回 true 则表单字段将被禁用。 3.常见问题 一般网上只给出每个方法的单独的使用方法,比较简单,但在实际的表单验证的过程中,需要将不同的方法结合起来,通过变量值来判断如何将表单验证结...
수준에서 readonly를 지원하지 않는다. disable을붙이면 변경은 안 되지만, 값이 아예 전달이 안 되므로 의미없는 짓이다. onclick="returnfalse;"로도 가능하지만 조건에 따라 readonly 를 주...
abdc7e4578 feat support type-checking for generic signal inputs (#53521) e620b3a724 fix add compiler option to disable control flow content projection diagnostic (#53311) 4c1d69e288 fix add diagnostic for control flow that prevents content projection (#53190) 76ceebad04 fix do not throw ...
The same problem, is there any way to disable a form control and send it on form submit? We have some pre-populated fields that must be submitted but user can't edit them. I think@beakdoctor's use case is definitely valid, and I think another good reason to use readonly over disabl...