// stringsletname:string="bob";// booleanletisLoggedIn:boolean=true;// numberletheight:number=24;letwidth:number=12;// arraysletcolors:string[] = ['red','green','blue'];letcolors:Array<string> = ['red','green','blue']; TypeScript 还将额外的三种类型添加到混合中,即enum、any和void。
The css property supports a string, an array of strings, object notation or an array of objects.See examples below for more information.In ComponentsmyApp.component('myComponent', { css: 'my-component/my-component.css' // <--- magic! templateUrl: 'my-component/my-component.html', });...
zh_url_encode 否 Boolean 是否对url中的中文字符进行编码后预热,默认值为false。false代表不开启,true代表开启,开启后仅预热转码后的URL。 urls 是 Array of strings 需要预热的URL必须带有“http://”或“https://”,多个URL用逗号分隔("url1"
Function objects registered as modules get an$injectattribute which points to an array of strings representing their dependencies - this is what all the sugar ways of declaring dependencies does. Inspecting Angular from the console How do I inspect the angular objects in console? angular.element($0...
| [![feat - 59387ee476](https://img.shields.io/badge/59387ee476-feat-blue)](https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/59387ee476dff1a893a01fe5cbee3c95b93c0cdb) | support styles and styleUrl as strings (#51715) | | [![feat - 9cc52b9b85](https://img.shields.io/badge/9cc52b9b85...
点击Clients右上方的Create: Client Protocol使用默认值openid-connect。Access Type有三个选项confidential、public、bearer-only,保持默认值public。confidential需要client secret,但我们将在web应用中使用此client,web无法以安全的方式传输secret,因此必须使用public client。只要严格使用HTTPS,可以保证安全。Valid Redirect URIs...
At the moment, the binding is to an array of strings. In real applications, most bindings are to more specialized objects. 现在,我们绑定到了一个字符串数组。在真实的应用中偶尔这么做。但绝大多数时候,我们会绑定一些对象数组上。 To convert this binding to use specialized objects, turn the array...
Processors can expose properties that tell Dgeni where in the pipeline they should be run and how to validate the configuration of the Processor. $enabled- if set tofalsethen this Processor will not be included in the pipeline $runAfter- an array of strings, where each string is the name ...
677 /** Callback version of property `rowClass` to set class(es) for each row individually. Function should return either a string (class name), array of strings (array of class names) or undefined for no class. */ 678 getRowClass: ((params: RowClassParams) => string | string[] ...
zh_url_encode 否 Boolean 是否对url中的中文字符进行编码后预热,默认值为false。false代表不开启,true代表开启,开启后仅预热转码后的URL。 urls 是 Array of strings 需要预热的URL必须带有“http://”或“https://”,多个URL用逗号分隔("url1"