States.json 是Webpack的一个特殊文件,webpack 是 Angular CLI 内部所使用的打包工具。使用 Webpack 帮我们生成的这个文件,我们可以使用各种不同的工具来理解我们的应用。 我们这里使用的工具是Webpack bundle analyzer。webpack 包分析器是一个 npm 包,可以在 webpack 的配置中或者命令行使用。对于我们来说,我们...
Angular Cli 依赖webpack,简化创建项目流程; npm属于node一部分,npm 从package.json找对应的scripts执行命令,scripts对应的命令也会使用Angular Cli命令,比如ng,从IDE点击ng命令,跳转到项目路径/node_modules/.bin/ng: 代码语言:javascript #!/bin/shbasedir=$(dirname"$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')"...
下一个是 liveserver, 有时候只是写点单元测试, 没有 ng, 只有 webpack + liveserver 那么我们也要弄 ip + https 的话就需要这样 setting 打开vs code setting json 和ng 的 setting 差不多 这样就可以了. 总结ng 和 liveserver setting 方式 step 1. 用 git bash open ssl 做出证书 .crt 和 .key s...
Get started with Angular CLI, learn the fundamentals and explore advanced topics on our documentation website. InstallNode.jswhich includesNode Package Manager Setting Up a Project Install the Angular CLI globally: Create workspace: Run the application: ...
This is a known caveat when webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin is used per the troubleshooting sectionfound here. They have a recommendation for Angular CLI < 6. I've also found suggestionsherewhich suggests commenting out ModuleConcatenationPlugin, however, it does not identify where it shou...
很多小伙伴说用了打包工具(Webpack)之后,断点调试相当痛苦; 常规的方式无非是debugger,console.log()大法; 但是,vscode这货天生支持debug功能,不用白不用,今天我就说说怎么调教angular-cli; 题外话(号外) 最近vscode又更新了。。最新的版本是1.10.2;不详细解释,点一下; ...
Error: Cannot find module '@angular/cli/plugins/webpack' The line throwing the error is this import in the webpack.config.js const { GlobCopyWebpackPlugin } = require('@angular/cli/plugins/webpack'); plugins.push(new GlobCopyWebpackPlugin({ "patterns": [ "assets", "favicon.ico" ]...
angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.16 node: 6.7.0 When creating a new project using the angular-cli and attempting to debug, none of the breakpoints I am setting are being hit. After looking into the log file for the debugger I have found that webpack is mapping to the wrong source location. ...
Seamlessly using Webpack Module Federation with the Angular CLI. Thanks We are standing on the shoulders of giants. Big thanks to the following people who helped to make this project possible: Colum Ferry, Nx Team Member Zack Jackson, Inventor of Module Federation ...
但是,值得庆幸的是,我们有了 NodeJS,有了 Webpack,再也不用像前几年那样自己搞 RequireJS 了!这就是为什么市面上主流的前端框架都使用 Webpack 来做自己的 CLI 的原因。 总结:无论你目前在使用什么前端框架,无论你以后想学哪些前端框架,只要紧紧扣住“组件化”和“模块化”这两条主线,心里就会有大方向了,...